Chapter 79.2 Meow Meow Meow Meow

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The lights and the camera focused away.

Wen Xingze stepped onto the red carpet and walked slowly. The young man was tall, and the clear blue sky of Los Angeles spread out behind him.

- It was as if there were so many lengthy words before his name. There was no timidity or nervousness about walking on the red carpet for the first time. Under the attention of the whole world, he walked calmly and even arrogantly.

At this moment, the crowd and the noisy wind of Los Angeles stopped and he looked at the camera . , and laughed casually after a moment.


After the silence, enthusiastic cheers suddenly jumped up!

In film evaluations, white people have had the say for a long time and under the influence of aesthetic differences, there are still quite a few audiences who lack the ability to appreciate Asian actors.

If Chi Yan opened this gap for the first time eight years ago, the arrival of Wen Xingze just now has once again brought this kind of... indescribable surprise and excitement. , directly sniping at the hearts of the audience.

His pupils were extremely transparent, filled with the gray-blue sky after the rain, and the whole audience fell in love with him.

"I bet that all the girls here had their hearts beating faster at that second." Wen Xingze had already gone to find his seat, but the host couldn't help but sigh with emotion behind his back, "Isn't this what China often calls "beautiful things go wrong?" He is such a heart-thumping Chinese boy. Let's look forward to tonight's awards results!"

Entering the theater, the cheers and screams outside were blocked out, and the atmosphere suddenly became much quieter.

Wen Xingze didn't care what others thought of him, he just found his own place under the leadership of staff. As usual, he sat with the crew of "Planet of Dust".

Unexpectedly, before reaching the location, he met an acquaintance first.

"Xiao Wen!" Ji Meng was the special guest this time. She was wearing a fishtail dress with exquisite makeup. She greeted him happily not far away, "Finally here."

""Senior Ji," because of some confidential matters, Wen Xingze didn't know in advance that Ji Meng would come. He was really surprised. He walked over quickly and said, "Hello, how have you been recently?"

Ji Meng: "Very good. I have been tutoring my little niece these past few months. I originally said that I would treat you and Chi Yan to dinner after the completion of "Planet of Dust", but I forgot..."

Of course, another reason is Ji Mi Tuan. Ji Meng's cat, which she had raised for more than 20 years, passed away a few months ago. Ji Meng was really in no mood to get together with her friends.

When Chi Yan was mentioned, Wen Xingze's smile faded a little. Ji Meng saw this and felt a little surprised, but did not continue.

What happened to this child and Chi Yan? Could it be that they broke up? Probably not...

The awards ceremony will start in a while, and Ji Meng is reminiscing with Wen Xingze about old times, so he is in no hurry to go to his seat.

"Do you think you will win the award?" Ji Meng teased him, "I have an acquaintance in the board of directors. How about I ask for you?"

Wen Xingze agreed happily: "Yes, okay."

Ji Meng: "..."

Now it was Ji Meng's turn to be speechless.

"That's so boring. You young people just don't play by the rules," Ji Meng scolded him. She probably got used to tutoring her niece in the past few months, so she said smoothly, "Can't you guess it yourself? Think about the problem from the perspective of the questioner."

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