Chapter 19.1 Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 19 Meow Meow Meow

Wen Xingze's past seven days could be said to be in dire straits.

He has to film a movie, he has to deal with the media who often come to stay, he has to study the next script in advance, and he also needs to get along well with the parents of the Vampire Clan.

Yes, just like Lan said, the 'Soul Box' will mail a prince's soul every day. After Lan, comes Lilith and the other princes, who can stay for three hours at will every day...

Although they all have different personalities, such as Os's violent temper, Sauron and Lilith's calmness, and Isabella's gentleness and reserve, the only thing they have in common is that their jealously.

However, Wen Xingze didn't hate this feeling.

Because before this, he and the Dragon Clan parents could only chat on WeChat after seven o'clock in the evening. Even though he knew that many citizens were silently accompanying him, he actually lived alone, and Wen Xingze was used to being alone.

The arrival of the vampire parents brought changes, and they seemed to have noticed something.

Even though Wen Xingze never told his loneliness.

The shooting location will be changed starting tomorrow. Xu Qianqian and Zhu Bo have already gone there first, but Wen Xingze didn't set off for the mountain until six o'clock that evening because he still had shooting duties.

After finishing work, Wen Xingze went to the flower shop to pick up a bouquet of flowers before arriving at the room.

sure enough, the suitcase has been packed, and a small bag has been carefully packed with water bottle, insect repellent, sunscreen, etc.

Os was nestled on the sofa, holding a comic magazine in his arms, that's Wen Xingze buy weekly. His red hair was tied up with a leather band, and he said with a sullen face, "I didn't pack the suitcase."

Wen Xingze: "..."

In the past seven days, starting with Lan, every prince will ask "Who does the king like more" when they comes. Of course Wen Xingze cannot answer that he likes you more, he can only say that he likes them all.

Like Sauron and Isabella, they are okay, but people like Lan and Os are relatively young, so it is difficult to deal with them.

Fortunately, Wen Xingze already knew what to do. He squatted down and rummaged through his small backpack: "Os, I bought a bag of liqueur chocolates before. Do you know where they are?"

"How would I know, "Os snorted coldly, "Maybe it's in the transparent bag on the left side of the backpack."

Wen Xingze looked at him sideways.

Os slapped the comic magazine on his face and said harshly:

"It's really not me who packs the bag, I just don't know what to do - ow."

A piece of chocolate was stuffed into his mouth.

Plum wine flavor, Os's favorite flavor.

Although the spirit body does not need to eat, it can indeed taste it. Wen Xingze didn't like drinking, so he bought this chocolate specifically for Os. After finishing work in the morning, Wen Xingze ran two streets to find this store.

"Next time you come back, I'll treat you to something different." Wen Xingze touched his hair. Although his hands couldn't touch the spirit body, it should feel plush. "Don't be angry, huh?"

After a strange moment, after some quiet time.

Os's face was expressionless at first, like a central program jamming robot. After about five seconds, the tips of his ears turned red little by little.

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