Chapter 38.1 Meow Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 38 Meow Meow Meow Meow

[jeuny: Tears, Underworld Disco actually developed overseas business, the summer when Kikujiro was sent away [Video]]

This is the video that became popular in the entire Spanish Chinese circle tonight.

Xia Miaomiao: "...?"

Xia Miaomiao is a Chinese student studying in Spain. She is studying to be a director and will soon be an intern at a television station. There are Chinese and local foreigners in her social circle, and their concerns and discussion topics often do not overlap.

But this time it was very rare. No matter whether she was on Twitter, Weibo, Instagram or Moments, they were all retweeting the same video and the same topic, with the words 'Hahaha'!

"Isn't this a bit scary?" Xia Miaomiao lives alone in a rented house. She was scared when she read the title of "Underworld" at night, worried that it was some kind of ghost picture. "Why are they being retweeted..."

Hesitating again and again, Xia Miaomiao still couldn't help but turn on the video, and at the same time shivering, she turned on the lights in the room to the brightest.

This video is divided into several segments. At first, it was a short video uploaded by different people with different perspectives. After it became popular, everyone discovered that it was basically the same thing, so a master thoughtfully cut the videos together.

The video starts playing.

The first picture shocked the director and director Xia Miaomiao - deep in the night, in the middle of the silent sea, a boat with lights on seemed to be floating in the sky. The young man in the center of the picture has half-draped eyelashes like butterfly wings, and his eyes are filled with water.

With the boat as the center of the circle, dozens of dolphins raised their heads in turn, listening quietly to something in the sea breeze.

Then the young man opened his lips: "Nawuheheluodaonaduoluoyeyeyenanwuahjuye..."

Like all the other viewers who saw this, Xia Miaomiao couldn't help but burst out: "Lmao!"

Too lmao.

She almost didn't get sent away. Is this the Great Compassion Mantra? Are you giving salvation to the dolphins?! It turns out that the good-looking guy in the picture is Chinese. Xia Miaomiao thought he was a star at first because he was so beautiful. But why is he so skilled and professional in singing the Great Compassion Mantra?!

Xia Miaomiao's little head was filled with big question marks.

The atmosphere of the picture suddenly changed from the aesthetic just now to the one that saves all sentient beings now. However, the barrage was all hahaha, and Xia Miaomiao was also hahahaha. The contrast between the whole picture and the sound was so great that it created a feeling that cannot be described in words.

Moreover, Xia Miaomiao took a closer look: "Isn't this the Smiling Angel?... Oh, today is the day for their release!"

This group of dolphins is also famous on Twitter, called the Smiling Angel, Xia Miaomiao have followed their treatment process before, and the interactions with the veterinarians were quite heartwarming and touching.

Xia Miaomiao soon understood the meaning of 'the summer when Kikujiro was sent away', because the young man in the picture slowly took out the suona.

Xia Miaomiao: "..."

Kikujiro walked away peacefully.

"This is too professional, funeral one-stop service," Xia Miaomiao sighed, "The dolphins are so cooperative!"

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