Chapter 26.1 Meow Meow

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Chapter 26 Meow Meow

at the same time.

Let us turn our attention to mankind's good friend Xu Baijing.

Xu Baijing spent the most painful three months in his life.

Being scolded, ridiculed by the entire Internet, losing all announcements, being unilaterally terminated by the president's father Xu Bianzhou, and another wealthy father Xu Yan also being in financial crisis... these are all secondary.

After being ridiculed by the entire network, you can make a comeback, and you can find announcements.

But his koi luck has completely disappeared!

It's not like he has never made Xu Bianzhou angry before, and then he could just act coquettishly and show off his misfortune, but this time Xu Bianzhou seemed really determined to sever ties with him.

Not answering the phone or replying to the text message, Xu Baijing used the same trick as before, carrying the soup cooked by the servant and going to the downstairs of Xu Bianzhou Company to wait for him in the heavy rain. However, he was 'invited' out by the security and was also harassed by the entire company. People saw the joke.

Xu Baijing was furious: "Damn Xu Bianzhou, forget it if you don't want to be my dad. I have four dads, and it's too late to pamper me."

But it was far more than that.

Moreover, after he abandoned Xu Bianzhou and drove away from Windsor Castle that day, a continuous stream of bad luck and all kinds of weirdness caught up with him.

He seemed to be haunted by a vampire. He would dream about stitched dolls. When he looked in the mirror, he would suddenly see an aristocratic woman with long hair who was as pale as a ghost. There were often two shadows at his feet, and she would pinch his neck...

For three months, he had become extremely neurotic.

"I can't bear this kind of life for a second anymore!!!" Xu Baijing collapsed, sitting in front of the Feng Shui master, with blue and dark circles under his eyes, "I know, that Wen Xingze is a dragon, but I still mess with him. No, should I find another target? I will definitely stay away from him in the future!"

Xu Baijing is the kind of person who is timid, has little willpower, is stupid and vicious. Although he hated Wen Xingze, after these two incidents, he also knew that Wen Xingze could not be offended.

——The reason why he had been picking up Wen Xingze’s luck before was not only because he knew the plot and understood that Wen Xingze was a cannon fodder destined to be bullied, but also because Wen Xingze’s aura was very special and could win over five wealthy father for him.

It has nothing to do with fate, it is just an aura formed by character and soul, which makes Wen Xingze destined to be loved by many people.

But this doesn't mean that he can only absorb the luck of Wen Xingze. Since Wen Xingze can't do it, he will find someone else to squeeze them. Anyway, he can't live like this anymore!

Feng Shui Master: "...Mr. Xu, please calm down first. Don't you think there must be something fishy about you being a tool and reappearing after ten chapters?"

Feng Shui Master actually no longer wants to help Xu Baijing. This person is simply has no clue at all, but one of Xu Baijing's adoptive fathers is a famous senior in the Feng Shui world. If he offends Xu Baijing, he will not be able to survive in the magic stick world.

Xu Baijing: "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't know how to deal with idiots," the Feng Shui master sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, I'll help you find another one."

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