Chapter 57 Meow Meow

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Chapter 57 Meow Meow

The scene was very embarrassing for a time.

Wen Xingze was watched by everyone, but he was actually confused. But he could only move forward bravely, and the crowd consciously parted a way like Moses parted the sea.

He walked to the audition waiting area and got in line at the end of the line.

In addition to him, there are a dozen little boys here, wearing overalls or cartoon suits, curiously looking at this 'rival' brother.

The number of people is exactly the same, and there are no two Wen Xingzes, which means that the 'Kid No. 235 Wen Xingze' does not have the same name.

Parents were not allowed to enter the audition waiting area. In order to appease the children's emotions and to express encouragement, a staff member came to hand out lollipops to the young actors.

She also gave one to Wen Xingze with a smile: "Kid Wen Xingze, here you go."

The children all laughed in a friendly manner.

This made Wen Xingze feel extremely shocked, how could such an embarrassing thing happen!

Fortunately, just when this kind of teasing was about to go further, the parents who were called away by the venue management to explain the precautions came back one after another. Wen Xingze looked carefully and saw that there were no parents of the Muse Empire inside.

This was strange. He thought it was the elves or some parent who registered for him. Wen Xingze even guessed the reason. It was probably because of the slogan here saying 'Whose baby is the cutest?', and then the parents were instantly unconvinced and became angry...

At the same time, the children's attention was quickly attracted by their parents and they no longer winked around Wen Xingze.

Wen Xingze breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad!" "Mommy!" "Baby!"

The children happily jumped up and greeted the parents outside, and the parents excitedly crowded outside the dividing line and waved in reply.

The whole atmosphere is like a kindergarten after school... or a zoo.

As for Wen Xingze...

Wen Xingze was eating a lollipop.

Under this situation, even the children who loved sweets were not in the mood to eat lollipops. Several children gave the candies to Wen Xingze casually. Wen Xingze didn't want to waste food, so he sat there and ate with relish.

Orange, blueberry and milk flavors.

After eating, he chewed three hollow lollipop sticks and played the song "Happy Encounter" leisurely.

Parents who are looking at each other across the railings from their children: "..."

The reporter filming the video next to them: "..."


It tastes good.

Wen Xingze is waiting in the waiting area for the preliminary screening. The preliminary screening is not an audition, but a basic screening based on the child's appearance, body shape, etc. If the difference between the appearance and the role is too big, he will not be able to pass the preliminary screening.

This is also the reason why Wen Xingze is too lazy to ask the staff to explain - let alone why his name appears on the audition list, he will definitely not pass the preliminary screening anyway, and attending the audition directly is the fastest solution. .

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