Chapter 4 Meow Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 4 Meow Meow Meow Meow

Wen Xingze tore open the last box of instant noodles and poured half a cup of hot water into it.

He turned on the TV as background sound, then settled into the old sofa to wait for the noodles to boil.

As expected, girl No. 7 applied to join the group. Her real name is Lu Qiqi. The arrival of Lu Qiqi made the support club lively after a day of silence:

A Ze and the Dragon Balls (9)

[Lazy Zhuzhu: Oh my god, you are new, warmly welcome [Flowers]! ! !]

[Beautiful girl transformation: Warm welcome [Flowers]! ! !]

[Lu Lu Qiqi: Hello everyone [Shy] Just call me Qiqi. Why is the group name called Dragon Ball...?]

[Ayun loves A Ze: Pfft. Because there have only been seven of us in the past few years, and now we can no longer call it by this name. Should we change it to Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea?]

Wen Xingze simply changed the group name and entered: [I think it's okay.]

These seven fans have all been with Wen Xingze for a long time. They all have good personalities and there is no xenophobic problem.

Except for Xiao Lu, who was preparing for the college entrance examination, everyone online came to say hello to Lu Qiqi, and soon everyone was chatting harmoniously.

Seeing them chatting happily, Wen Xingze felt relieved. Just as he was about to start eating instant noodles, he received a worried private message from 'Lazy Zhuzhu':

[Lazy Zhuzhu: A Ze, has something happened to Daobei Entertainment? What do I think about Wu Youjin signing a contract with Yu Entertainment? Who will take care of you in the future?]

Wen Xingze didn't expect that they would find out so soon. He was embarrassed but also a little touched. He responded euphemistically:

[It's not clear yet, it may develop in another direction. ] Like collecting rags or selling vegetables, [Don’t worry, even if I stop being an artist, our group will not break up.]

After so many years, they have become more than just celebrities and fans, but good friends.

Lazy Zhuzhu sent three crying emoticons.

In fact, fans more or less guessed that this day would come. Wen Xingze's acting career was really bumpy, and he didn't have a stable income. He only persisted for the sake of the company and their few fans.

But from the perspective of their fans, they are actually very unwilling.

No one knows better than them how good Wen Xingze is. The person they have liked for so many years has to leave in such a hurry without even having a chance to stand on a broader and more shining stage.

Wen Xingze didn't know how to comfort Lazy Zhuzhu. He was actually very bad at this, so in the end he had to say: [Don't be like this, I'll play you a good luck song.]

[Lazy Zhuzhu: Wait! ! !]

Wen Xingze: [Voice message]]

Lazy Zhuzhu click to listen.

...Sure enough, it was the familiar sound of festive musical instruments.


Wen Xingze can really play suona, and he plays it very well, although fans simply don't understand why he wants to learn suona as an idol.

According to Wen Xingze’s statement. 'Of all musical instruments, the suona is the king, either ascending to heaven or worshiping in the hall. '

After he's unemployed, he can occasionally go to Hongbai Shichuichui to earn some lunch money, which is quite good.

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