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Of course, Krystal's advice to Dovi was actually reasonable. Turns out, Steph heard everything, and she was furious. As the weeks went on, Christmas Day being tomorrow, she soon enough had grown so angry to a point of not being able to contain herself.

Stephanie was also much smarter than Dovi had perceived her to be. Not only was she about to rain on her husband's parade, but she was also about to wreck havoc in the Wright home. Through Facebook posts, Steph was able to find Mila through Dovi, then her mom through her, and finally, Robert through Mila's mother. Stephanie reached out, claiming that she had very important information to discuss, begging Robert to keep it private from his girlfriend. She asked if they could meet, and Robert willingly accepted. That wasn't much of a shock.

"I don't know if you know" Steph said through her accent as she and Robert sat outside a hamburger establishment, "but Mikeyia? She is dead. I heard Dovi, one of her best friends, talk about it." Robert gasped at the mention, "since when?!" he wondered aloud, "how? What happened?"

Robert knew who Dovi was, because Mikeyia always talked about her then-friends to him while they'd been involved with one another. He folded his arms as he leaned back in his chair, sighing and shaking his head. "She was killed" Stephanie didn't hold back, "by the group." Now this, Stephanie didn't actually know. She guessed based on other knowledge she'd overheard, regarding the group. She knew that they killed multiple individuals, and just figured that them killing Mikeyia made sense.

"Wait" Robert wasn't entirely convinced, "may I ask why you're telling me this? Do you want me to tell Mila's mom, or something?" Steph shook her head. She had overheard the details about Mila's mom reviving mail, images of Robert and Mikeyia kissing. "Mila's mom knows you used to see Mikeyia" Steph confided, "Mila and her friends sent her an anonymous letter, revealing everything. She's planning on breaking up with you in a few days."

Originally, Steph wasn't all that convincing to Robert. But now, hearing this information, Robert knew that there was no way Steph was lying. Mikeyia never mentioned a "Steph" to Robert before, and so her story of being Dovi's mail order bride checked out. Robert grew angry, between the idea of Mikeyia being killed by her own friends, to Mila's mother planning on dumping him. "Those fucking kids" he muttered under his breath, angry.

"I have a gun in my car" Steph confided to Robert, "if you help me, I will help you." Robert looked at Steph, who he found to be pretty hot, actually. He had this sudden Bonnie and Clyde imagination. "You wanna kill them?" he asked, not even thinking. Steph nodded profusely, "all of them" she said, "even the mom and the little one. Then we can go back to my country, Ukraine."

What both Robert and Steph didn't know, was that at another outdoor table behind them, Mona, a girl that Dovi had encountered months ago but didn't pursue, was listening and recording. She and Dovi didn't end on bad terms, they kind of just stopped texting. Mona sent Dovi everything immediately, making him aware that he, his friends, and Mila's immediate family's lives were in danger.


"Bro, this!" Marcus paced, now having called Mila's mother for a third time, "this is the kind of shit that I cannot handle! I'm about to go to the league and we're over here taking cover at a mutuals house?" The whole group came to Preston's house after Mona had made me aware that Steph and Robert met and were planning to harm us. We'd never came here before, and so we figured it was the best bet out of everybody in the group's houses. Maya and her sister were safe with us, but Mila's mom wasn't answering.

I could tell that Mila was panicking, but she tried to play it off cool because Maya was here. She held her little sister close to her body, her eyes shut tight. "What if she's dead?" Mila asked, eyes still closed. It seemed she was originally scared to ask because Maya, but she was dying to ask and it was only a matter of time. Maya had previously been crying, a first, when we had said that Robert was gonna kill us all. "Is mommy okay, Mila?"

As much as I couldn't stand super slut, the look on her face as she tried to comfort her sister, was pitiful. "I-I don't know" she admitted. I saw as Marcus watched his future wife and baby sister in law, angry at the fact that somebody could hurt their mom. "Preston" Marcus looked at Preston, who'd been texting somebody. "Where is your father?"

As cliche as this is gonna sound, Preston's dad worked for the Philly Police Department. We didn't find this out till today, but it makes some sense now. When Preston got arrested for my crime, his mugshot was wiped off the internet literally the next day. There was no trace of the story.

"I'm texting him right now" Preston said, "Dovi's place is surrounded, they're waiting for them." I used Mila's cheat code club money to purchase a nice condo when I had married Steph. Thank God I did, because I don't have to warn other family of this situation. "Why is every bitch that you get, looney as hell?" Sane'ya asked me. I scoffed, "of course you'd know, head honcho."

Suddenly, something flew by Marcus' head. "What the fuck!" He freaked as the group took cover in Preston's walk in closet. Maya started crying again as Mila tried to gently shush her. "We're gonna be okay" she insisted. I hate to admit it but the whore is a good sister. Preston decided to call his father as banging emerged on the front door. "Preston!" Jake rushed into the room, "I'm scared!" The little white nigga ain't know what was going on, he just knew that he was hearing gunshots and banging.

"Let him in!" Mila pleaded, "it'll help Maya calm down." Preston did as was asked. Together: Mila, Marcus, Maya, Krystal, Jalen, Preston, Sane'ya, Jake and I held on to one another tight, hoping that this wasn't the end to our rollercoaster friendship.

"They're here!" Preston frantically told his dad, "somebody shot into the room!" I could hear sirens through the phone, and I knew that Preston's father was coming. We just needed to hold off long enough. I heard about six more bullets glide through Preston's room walls, one sounded like it broke Preston's fish tank. Everybody was breathing heavily. I knew that Stephanie must've looked at my location, which I now realized I forgot to turn off. Nobody seemed curious as to how she and Robert found us, however, so I didn't mention it.

"I love you guys" Sane'ya let out. She was the last person I imagined getting emotional. "Y'all piss me off but I swear, I love you all more than anything." Krystal joined in, alongside Jalen. "I know we bump heads but you all hold a special place in my heart" Jalen insisted, "really." Marcus looked at Mila, who was focused on Maya more than anything. "Thank you for loving me" he whispered to his fiancé, before looking at everybody else, "if we go, I hope we all end up together in the afterlife. Us and Darrius."

"Yeah" I agreed, "together again. I just never imagined it would be this soon." A tear rolled down Mila's face, probably from the thought of meeting Darrius again. "Please God" she whispered, as more shots erupted. The only thing helping as was the uneven set up of Preston's room. The closet was nearly impossible to shoot at, it seemed. "My baby sister turns nine tomorrow" Mila let out, "please, please let her see that day. She's a baby." Slowly, everybody started crying, alongside Jake and Maya.

The gunfire outside seemed to suddenly sound louder, and a door bang was heard. We all shared a grimacing look, knowing this was the end. Footsteps neared, and we could soon see a faint shadow outside of Preston's closet. Mila covered her sister's mouth. Preston covered Jake's.

"Preston" his father opened the closet doors wide open, nearly everybody bracing themselves. "Calm down, kid. It's me, you guys are safe." Preston might have been able to trust his dad, but I wasn't trusting no white man. "How sure are you?" I asked, "we just heard gunfire outside." Preston's father nodded, "because we were shooting back and forth" he confided. "We didn't even have the time to tell them to put their hands up. Upon our arrival, they were shooting at us." Everybody shared looks, "so they're dead?" Preston's father nodded, "both the female and male suspect are dead" he confirmed, "and Ms Wright, your mother is at work. She is safe."

Everybody stood up, immediately hugging. I'm sure I've said, or thought this at one point or another, but I cannot believe that this is our life. Who would've known that making friends would come with so much baggage? Who would've known that the girl I briefly met months ago, would save our lives?

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