𝟏.𝟏𝟓 || 𝐊𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥'𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤... 𝐈 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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A little over a week after Mila had turned twenty, Krystal followed suite. In contrast to Mila however, Krystal wasn't down for the whole big party shindig. It might've been the fact that she'd been practically walking on eggshells for the last week, or the fact that she hated celebrating a birthday that didn't have significance. The last time Krystal really went all out, was four years ago during her sweet sixteenth birthday bash. This time, she just wanted to eat chicken wings with a few close buddies and play uno.

"Uno motherfucker!" Dovi yelled, slamming a card against the table as his phone lit up with texts.

"Oh no motherfucker!" he went on, after reading his phone. The girls looked at him.

"What's going on?" Sane'ya, who was in this weird friendly, kinda flirty, but definitely not dating phase with Dovi, asked. "Is everything alright?"

"Everything is great, actually" Dovi said. "I've got some business to handle, so I'll be back. Y'all can keep playing, just don't finish the dang wings."

What was Dovi about to do? Catch up with his two closest teammates, Marcus and Darrius. It wasn't just your typical shabang fuck nigga hang out... but rather, it was a "get back link." Marcus had gotten Frederick's current drop, and was certain that Frederick didn't have any form of defense with him, not a person or a weapon.

If this had been Dovi two years ago, he wouldn't have been going this hard for a girl. Dovi Edwards was what we'd like to call a "lowkey hoe" in high school, fucking on bitches but keeping contact so that he could remain in their good books and therefore not be exposed. It wasn't that he didn't want a relationship, but he just didn't have the time to commit to one. That, and he couldn't find anybody that he felt was worth dating.

Then came Sane'ya, and Dovi's whole likelihood, everything he'd grown to be in these last several years, changed dramatically. Sane'ya was chill, unlike most women. She wasn't over the edge, didn't bug out about nun, and just went with the flow. She didn't tolerate shit from people, she knew how to be a friend to other women, and she was cool with Dovi doing his own thing, as long as he was loyal. She was just alluring in so many ways, Dovi just couldn't process it.

And hearing her story, all she'd seen, been through, it made Dovi want her even more. She deserved a happy ending and he knew that he could provide that. He was willing to do everything and then some to make Sane'ya the happiest woman alive. Though he probably wouldn't admit it, not yet anyways, Dovi was in love with Sane'ya. She was the first non family female to have a place in Dovi's heart.


"Why is he in an alleyway?" I asked in a whisper as Marcus, Darrius and I sat in Darrius' parked car, across the street from where Frederick stood. It looked as if he were waiting to meet a plug, so the guys and I decided to wait before making a move.

"Let's take the chance to get closer now, because if we all hop out the whip at random, he'll just run off" Marcus suggested. "We can subtly sneak out and stand nearby right now since he's distracted.

"Smart man" Darrius answered, unlocking the doors. "Come out of the driver's side, since it's the side away from him. He won't see y'all."

I've been in fights before, but it was nothing like what I hoped this was about to be. I never jumped anybody, one, and two, I've never been this angry at somebody I've fought. The things I planned to do to Frederick in a second? Tuh, only God can save him.


"Okay, I ignored it the first... like five times, but I can't do it anymore. Krystal, can you please check your kitchen? It sounds like there's a bird pecking on your window" Mikeyia noted. By the looks on Sane'ya and Mila's faces, it seemed they agreed.

"Aigh" I said, "be right back."

The kitchen was dim, because the light wasn't on and it was like 7pm, but I was too lazy to turn it on. I could see a shadowy figure at my window, but it definitely wasn't no bird. In fact, it was too big to be a bird... I was looking at a fucking human. Dovi?

I got closer, and though I couldn't see a face yet, I could see whomever it was mirroring my movements. Once my nose was practically touching the blinds, I saw eyes... Renz's eyes.

My heart dropped to my ass, but I held in my scream because I didn't want my friends coming into the kitchen. I opened the window, very slowly because that shit creaks like a motherfucker.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered, "how'd you even find my freaking address?"

"I'm your manager" Renz replied, not exactly whispering but talking in a low enough tone. "I can search you up in the database and find out your lo."

"Kinda creepy don't you think?" I asked, but Renz smirked at my commentary.

"Only creepy if you don't like it" he replied.

I rolled my eyes, "well why are you here?" I asked, "because I cannot have a quickie right now."

"I'm here to give you this" Renz replied, handing me a bouquet of roses. My mouth dropped wide open at the gesture, especially given that we'd practically avoided one another in the past week.

"You've gotta understand the position I'm in, baby girl" Renz said. "I'm your boss, I can't be prancing around with a big fat 'I love Krystal' on my forehead. Just because this is private, doesn't mean the feelings ain't there." I nodded slowly.

"Yeah, yeah I know" I replied, taking the flowers. "I've gotta go though. See you at work?"

"Kiss first" Renz demanded, to which I complied.

"Bye" we whispered in unison.

My legs felt like jello as I placed the flowers under the kitchen table, to hide from my friends. I finally could breathe again, having been able to hear Renz's thoughts about he and I. Happy fucking birthday to a bad bitch!


As I expected, Frederick was waiting for a plug. Having now been just yards away from him, the guys and I waited for Frederick to start heading back in our direction before pouncing on him.

"Ayo what the fuck!" He yelled, completely ambushed and probably unsure of who was hitting him. Darrius straight up body-slammed him, and Marcus and I kicked him all up and down his body.

"Get off of me man!" Frederick yelled, "fuck!"

"And this one is for fucking with the one I love," I said in a clear though not relatively loud tone, stomping on the middle of Frederick's face, prompting him to moan and groan while holding his nose. "And we taking yo weed nigga!"

Everybody in Philly usually minded their business, unless they were the police. People are ultra crazy around here, and nobody wants to test their luck. That being said, nobody bothered us in the five minutes that we spent kicking, spitting on, and throwing Frederick's bobble head ass around. And I was just getting started.

"We don't play them until January" Marcus said as Darrius started up his car, "and we only play them once, excluding playoffs." I nodded.

"So we gonna embarrass that nigga on the court too" I figured. "Simple. It ain't over till I say it's over."

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