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"Can you guys talk to me?" Jalen pleaded at practice. The season officially started in October, and so coach had the team in the gym as much as possible. Dovi and Marcus, as always, shot hoops together. Typically they joined Jalen by choice, but they only shared a basket with him today because the girls team was also in the gym, so space was limited.

"You hear something Dovi?" Marcus asked his friend. Dovi played along and shook his head. "Na," Dovi said, "all I hear is you." Jalen sucked his teeth.

"Two on two?" A girl approached the three. She was brown skin, kind of tall but not at all close to being the same height as the guys, had this fat ass butterfly tattoo on her thigh, and wore her hair in cornrows. Surprisingly, it didn't make her head look big.

"No thanks" Marcus answered, "we don't even associate with this dude."

"Okay" the girl replied, "how about... you and I play a one on one?" Marcus scrunched up his face. "No."

The girl wasn't backing down though. She'd been standing near the bleachers, where a clipboard and pen were, so she grabbed the pen. She opened her phone case and took a folded up piece of paper from there. Marcus, Dovi, and even Jalen stared at the bitch, wondering what the hell her black ass was doing. Finally, after jotting some shit down, she handed Marcus the paper.

"You can be as stubborn as you want" she said, "but just keep it in handy. You never know." Marcus waited for her to walk away to start laughing.

Anyways, today was September 28th, which was Dovi's twenty-first birthday. I know, I know, why didn't he celebrate last year? Well, he felt like he wasn't close enough with the group yet to do so. Plus, twenty wasn't a big deal, he didn't want it to be bigger than need be. Twenty one, however, was where it was at! But there was a problem.

Dovi wanted to hit the club, while Marcus was totally against it. Was it a jealousy thing yet again? Probably. Or maybe it's also tied to the fact that Marcus just doesn't have the best memories with clubs. I mean for crying out loud, the dude killed some bitch that he met at the club.

When practice ended, the conversation came back up once more. "We can't do a fancy restaurant?" Marcus asked. "Movies? An AirBnB? Come on!"

"Look" Dovi said to Marcus, "you and Mila don't have to pull up tonight. I won't be mad. However, I'll host another lil shindig for us so that you two can enjoy some Dovi-party of a sort." Marcus nodded.

"Okay" he sighed, "fine."

But then, another problem came about... approximately two hours and thirty minutes later.

Well... there were a few problems actually. Sane'ya was hanging by her hands from her window like a damn Christmas ornament, because her mom had suddenly came outside to talk to a neighbor. If Sane'ya fell, she'd fall right on her mom, from dozens of feet away.

Then there was Mikeyia and James, who's dumb asses had sex and lost the condom in Mikeyia's coochie. Yeah, you read that right. I didn't even think that was possible, but I guess Mikeyia likes dude so much that her pussy trained itself to eat his dick up like some groceries. It might've taken that too literal... I assume. But they didn't have time for this shit! Dovi made a club reservation for 10pm.

Then, there was Krystal, oh Krystal, that pregnant bastard. She wasn't feeling the club, for obvious reasons. However in her head, she was stuck. "I'm not that pregnant" she wondered, "I don't think shaking ass and taking a few shots will affect the baby. In fact, I'll just water down my shots. Yeah! That's what I'll do! Good plan Krystal."

And lastly, there was the real issue I'd been talking about... Mila and Marcus.

"Why do you wanna go to a fucking club so bad?!" Marcus yelled at his girlfriend, who was dressed like a shimmied up fabric shortage. Marcus was trying to keep his cool, but between Mila not listening, and her being damn near naked, he was infuriated.

"Mila" Marcus said, following his girlfriend out of her house and to her car, "we can do anything you want tonight. Just, not the club. Please."

"Let me ask you this Marcus" Mila said, "why don't you, wanna go to the club? Or better yet, why don't you want me to? Riddle me that."

"Because I have bad experiences with the club" Marcus answered the first question, "and you're a free spirited, somewhat easily swayed person. I just fear that somebody will take advantage of you."

"Well I'm gonna prove today, that that's not the case" Mila said, but Marcus didn't wanna hear that.

"Mila if you turn that car on and leave me here" Marcus finally gave up, "we're over. Like on some serious ass shit...over, not that three day boil over stuff that we be doing. I'm deadass this time."

Mila scoffed, "I'll talk to you when I get back."

And she drove off, making Marcus bite his lip so hard that he damn near went through skin.

Some good news though! Sane'ya didn't end up falling on anybody, or getting hurt. She regained balance and her mom didn't take too long. Before she knew it, she was on her way to the club.

Mikeyia and James never found the condom.


"Hi" I called the number that I'd been given earlier. I didn't even intend on keeping it originally, I just wasn't near a trash can at the time, and eventually forgot. Good thing I forgot, though.

"Hi" that familiar voice said back. "Marcus, right?"

"Yeah" I confirmed, "and you are?"

"Bria" she introduced. "Whatcha doing tonight?"

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