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With Marcus and Jalen's senior year approaching, things were changing. First of all, Marcus had been called into the coach's office and made aware that he had several NBA scouts looking at him. Coach had actually known this since Marcus' sophomore year, but didn't want Marcus to get ahead of himself, so he allowed him to develop as a player. Dovi previously had scouts as well, he'd learned, but the NBA was no longer within his reach. He did have a newfound interest in being a professional coach, however. As for Jalen, he has less prospect than Marcus, but had a shot if he stayed another year.

"Woah" Mila breathed aloud, as Marcus made his girlfriend aware of this new information. "The National Basketball Association? Like, you'd be a professional athlete and shit?" Marcus nodded. Mila looked at the ground, slightly dissatisfied. Marcus raised an eyebrow as he examined his girlfriend's face. "Is that a problem?" he asked, "what's wrong?"

Mila shook her head, "do you know how big of a change that is Marcus?" she asked him. "You're going to become famous. Everybody will be on you. Girls all over, cheerleaders, crazy fans. People aren't gonna respect our relationship and if a finer girl comes along, I'll have to suffer the consequences of you either leaving me, or cheating on me." Marcus was astonished by his girlfriends reaction, because he never imagined that she would be worried about their romance of all things. Marcus scoffed.

"I thought you would be proud, or happy for me" Marcus said, shaking his head and adjusting his sitting position on Mila's bed. "I know your mother is like, borderline rich and all Mila, but you still need a back up plan. You don't wanna work, or go to school. Somebody in your position should be thrilled to hear that their partner is going to the league."

"I'm sorry" Mila spoke, refusing to break off eye contact with her boyfriend. "I am. But I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you that I'm super excited and shit, because I'm not. I'm anxious about what the future has in store for us now, knowing my security in this relationship just went from a little bit of something to absolutely nothing." Marcus sighed loudly.

"Okay" Marcus stood up. "I'll be back tonight, around ten." Mila stiffened her jaw and folded her arms. "Getting a jump start on the multi-bitch parade?" she questioned Marcus. He shook his head, "I have a few errands to run. I promise I'll be back at 10P.M sharp. Stay awake please, I really wanna talk."

Meanwhile, Mikeyia was finally jumping that hurdle that made her weak in the knees before. She felt wrong sleeping with Korey after Elizabeth's arrival. For some odd reason, looking at Elizabeth's face and seeing James mixed in with a little bit of her, made her feel guilty. "But I can't get back with James" she thought. "I don't want to be an army wife. I don't want to barely ever see my man."


"Something on your mind?" Korey asked me as he tried to slowly push my upper half so that I'd be laying down. I nodded. "I just feel weird. With me having a child, this feels really wrong. You know?"

"You know what," Korey began, "you're right baby. Let's wait until Elizabeth is a little older, and isn't in the house." I laughed at that last part, "right."

Not to shit on James, but Korey was far more accepting of my wants and needs than James had ever been. Korey didn't push me if I said "no thank you" or "I don't want to." He understood that a relationship takes two, and I have a say as well.


"So how long until we tell your friends that you're not really engaged?" Jace asked, as we hot-boxed in my car. "Because they're gonna ask about a wedding soon." I shrugged, "so what?" I asked.

"Weddings take months to plan" I continued. "We can always play it off until you actually propose." Jace gave me a very obviously unsure look. Both his lips were folded in, and he was looking down.

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