𝟒.𝟖 || 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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"About all that date stuff from the other day you guys" Dovi began, "I don't think it's a good idea." Looks were exchanged around as the group sat in Mila's living room, having been at her place so that Jake and Maya could play. "Why not?" Sane'ya asked, "is it because you don't really have a bitch?"

"Be forreal" Dovi replied to his ex-girlfriend. "I know you Sane'ya, and even though we're done, ion trust you. The last thing Lauren needs is a bully."

"Dovi" Sane'ya began, "I'm over that stage. I'm happy in love with Jace-like, we talked marriage." That was all Dovi needed to hear to damn near go pale. He stared into the distance, practically blacking out. Marcus and Jalen exchanged looks before Marcus waved his hand in front of Dovi's face.

"Damn I'm hungry" Dovi alleged, "are y'all?" Everybody looked at one another, trying to not be awkward but curious to know what was on Dovi's mind. I mean, the nigga was the one that dumped Sane'ya! So why he acting like he seen a ghost?

"Okay whatever" Dovi shook his head after a moment of silence. "I see we're saving our appetites for tonight at dinner." Marcus cocked an eyebrow at his best friend, "so you're down for dinner all of a sudden? After Sane'ya said she talked marriage?"

"Well I'd like to get to know my future friend-in-law" Dovi alleged, prompting the meanest side eye from Sane'ya. "But also, I'd love for you guys to meet Lauren. She's beautiful, most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on." Sane'ya scoffed, loudly.


"Here these doofuses go again" I groaned to Jake. "They're always fighting."

"I know" Jake shook his head, "Preston told me. At least it's not Marcus and Mila this time."

"I think Marcus and Mila are in loveeee" I dragged. "They've been dating for a long time now."

Jake gasped, "do you think they have babies?" he asked me. "Hm" I thought aloud, "maybe!"

"My momma told me that when people are really in love, they have a baby. Mila has a baby!" Jake said.

"I'm an auntie!" I said, "I can't wait to tell mommy."



"Mila," my mom called out as I got dressed, waiting for Marcus, "sit for a minute. We need to talk."

"Okay?" I replied, sitting on my bed. "What's up?"

"Be honest Mila," my mother went on, "are you pregnant?" I stood up immediately, folding my eyebrows at my mothers idiotic question.

"What?!" I questioned her, "why do you think that?"

"Maya told me" My mom shrugged, arms folded. "I've noticed you two get closer since Darrius' passing, so I assumed you confided in her." I looked at my mom, stunned that she was that naive. Maya is fucking eight for God's sake.

"Well if you are pregnant" my mother went on, "I just want you to get serious about Marcus. I don't want you to end up being a single mom like me, Mila. You're an adult now, twenty-one. I'm not going to force you to get an abortion or anything."

"I'm not pregnant, mom" I stood firm. "Maya probably worked up some crazy idea in her head from something incredibly minuscule that she heard. Kids do that, you know." My mom nodded.

"I believe you" she informed me. "Just don't beat up your sister." I scoffed, "I won't, I promise."

Everybody decided to show up at my house since I was basically the staple of hangouts. I saw a pretty Asian looking girl with darker skin approach with Dovi as Marcus got out of his car with Jalen and Preston. The girls had been parked along the street.

"Uh oh" I mumbled, realizing that Lauren was real. I looked at Sane'ya as she too approached from a different angle. Surprisingly, she didn't seem bothered. She turned to Jace and appeared to whisper something to him.

"Uh, I'll be back" Jace informed everybody, as we pooled up at my door. "I'll meet y'all at the restaurant. Rosario's Palace, right?" we all nodded.

"I'm giving my deer away, by the way" Mikeyia randomly stated, as she opened her extra large tote bag and lifted up a puppy with thin sticks taped to it's head. "In case y'all want him."

"Reindeer?" Marcus asked, "that's a fucking dog."

"Got him from the pound" Mikeyia proceeded, "but he's most certainly a reindeer. He just barks sometimes because he's autistic."


Nearly eight months pregnant, swollen, and tired all the time, I just didn't wanna do anything. However, my unbelievable amount of interest in the Dovi-Sane'ya drama is what pushed me to opt in to this whole sextuple date anyways. I brought Jacques.

"So, Lauren" Sane'ya randomly started up, as we got a table, "tell me about yourself! Your relationship with Dovi." Lauren looked at Dovi as if she needed his approval, telling me that he definitely mentioned Sane'ya to her before.

"Dovi and I met at rehab" Lauren said shyly, smiling subtly. Marcus chuckled, "crippled ass niggas."

"And Lauren" Dovi went on, looking at Sane'ya the entire time, "is the best gift I've ever received."

Sane'ya cleared her throat, and Jace began looking into his suit pocket as if he had something in there. "I know this may not be the most ideal time" he said, getting on one knee, making everybody at the table, hell, even Lauren, go wide-eyed. "But," Jace continued, "I know for sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Sane'ya. We might be young, but I'm willing to make it work if you are."

The restaurant grew so silent that you could hear a needle drop. Everybody waited.

"So," Jace went on, "Sane'ya Easter, will you marry me?" I bit my lip in suspense.

"Yes!" Sane'ya beamed, ear to ear smile and both hands balled in fists while pumped in the air. Dovi stood up immediately and walked out of the restaurant. I probably should've done the same, given that I think I accidentally peed a little.


"Dovi!" Lauren called after me, "Dovi! What's wrong? I thought that was over with?"

"It is Lauren" I guaranteed my kind of girlfriend, "I swear. I don't like her per-say but I just feel weird. I dated her longer than that goofy ass nigga, but I know that if I had been the one on one knee like that, she would have said no." Lauren nodded, understanding what I was getting at, surprisingly.

"Well, the only person lucking out here," Lauren began, "is her. Dovi you're amazing, sweet, sexy!" I smiled at that last part. Lauren grabbed my hand gently, "and if she won't love you right" Lauren went on, "then I promise you, I will. Forever."

Without thought from both me or Lauren, we shared a long, intimate kiss. It was the sweetest kiss ever.

"Guys!" Mikeyia came running out, "Krystal's water broke!" I went wide eyed, "how?" I asked, "isn't the heffa like, thirty-seven weeks pregnant?" Mikeyia shrugged, seeming just as confused as I. "I don't fucking know" she said, "I just know that the baby is coming! So grab your shit, we've gotta go!"

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