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Marcus assumed Mila was amped about her twenty-first birthday, not giving a damn about him, while Mila assumed that Marcus was actually over her and probably fucking on Bria. It had been two weeks, no contact on either end, and both of these idiots were miserable as hell, failing to even play it cool. The good news, that neither of them knew, was that Bria switched schools. She'd been embarrassed so badly by the video of Mila beating her up, that she was out.

Anyway, we'll get back to tweedledee and tweedledum in a moment. Ms Krystal-I-better-be-getting-paid-for-this-shit Dixon was now pregnant as fuck! Not literally, actually, as she was only about five weeks along and therefore not really showing. But she was starting to genuinely feel this pregnancy shit, the morning sickness, food aversions, black ass nipples... she was a mess. She kept telling herself that she liked a challenge, but baby Mik-James was tearing her ass up like some fried chicken in mid July.

Mikeyia was starting to face her own issues, as that condom that she couldn't find, now put her in danger. She still couldn't find it, even after a couple weeks, but it was starting to pollute her body. She'd been getting sick easily and was extremely sensitive to touch down there. She had to see a doctor, but how do you explain that a condom got swallowed by your coochie? And you made no effort to look for it after that initial search? Chile...

So she figured that unless she was in undeniable pain, passed out, or began expelling a fluid that was not piss, and not within her control, she wouldn't be going to the hospital. It's a waste of money, the condom might as well make itself at home.

And Dovi, he and Sane'ya were practically a prison couple. Sane'ya's mom was on and off, sometimes on her like a hawk and sometimes not giving a single damn about what her daughter was doing. However, one thing was for certain in Sane'ya's mom's mind: if she saw Deovion step foot in her household, all hell was gonna break lose. Straight up.

Sane'ya did little things though, like change Dovi's contact name and buy her momma groceries so that she had excuses to leave the house. Occasionally, the girls would come by with notes or little gifts from Dovi, walking through Sane'ya's door saying "oh my gosh Sane'ya look at what my boyfriend got me!" So that Sane'ya's mom would assume that it was their own personal belonging that they just wanted to show to her daughter.

"Sooooo" Mikeyia dragged the word as she slow sat down, sore from the long lost condom. "It's been a while you guys. How are we?" The room remained silent. Truthfully, the only issue was Marcus and Mila, but them motherfuckers could never just keep their problems to themselves. If they had some shit going on, and you was in a ten-mile radius, you was gonna feel that shit. Dumb black people.

"I'm good" Mila, surprisingly, finally spoke. She probably figured that it was her and Marcus that everybody was waiting on. "I'm turning twenty one in a little less than two weeks you guys!" Mikeyia looked over at Marcus as Mila said that, and noticed that he just looked sad. He wasn't making eye contact, and just remained looking at the floor.

"Okay, hate me for this I don't care" Dovi said, "but can you two just talk? This is so uncomfortable for the rest of us. Whatever's going on, just hash it out."

Marcus opened his mouth, but didn't speak. Everybody looked at him, having seen his mouth move. "Dude" Dovi said, "stop being a pussy."

"I've figured you moved on" Marcus said, encouraged by Dovi. "And if you did, that's fine, I guess. But I love you Mila, and I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being controlling, jealous, and vile when angry. I'm sorry for hitting you. I'm sorry for attempting to make you jealous with another girl that I didn't even find attractive."

"I knew it!" Krystal interrupted, "thought you was off your rocker with that bitch Marcus, can't lie." Marcus scoffed at Krystal's comment, but he still seemed really sad. Mila stared at him, also looking sad. This was sweet yet pitiful... look at these niggas!

"I see why Martin Luther King fought for interracial marriages" Dovi added at random, "two black people evidently cannot get along." Sane'ya looked at him.

"I'm sorry too, Marcus" Mila finally spoke. "For putting you in a corner, for being snappy, moody, sensitive. I'm sorry for showing you a version of me that didn't reflect my true values, one that painted me a cheating, unforgiving, naive freak. I love you too Marcus, and I hope you feel this way when I say this, but I swear you are the only one that can tolerate me. I don't want to start over with a new man. I just want you, forever." ... aw!

"Damn" Dovi said, "I never imagined Mila would be intelligent enough for a conversation like this. Nonetheless though, that was cute.

"So does that mean you're open to taking me back?" Marcus asked his who-even-knows-at-this-point. Mila nodded, "yes it does" she said.

"Aww" Mikeyia smiled, "now can y'all help me get this lost condom out of my coochie?"

"Ew!" Everybody else, but Mikeyia and James, said in unison. Welp, I guess that was a big, fat, no.

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