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Though Darrius probably came across as one of two: a die hard athlete or a hoodlum, he was in reality, neither. Not originally, at least.

Darrius was born into a tight knit family of five, being the middle child. His siblings are both boys as well. His parents, both only twenty-five when Darrius was born, never hesitated to demonstrate love, whether that be to their children, or to one another. Darrius was taught manners, kindness, respect for women and then some, right off the bat.

But by the time Darrius had hit middle school, he realized that his soft personality was seen as "gay" to his friends and peers. If it wasn't that, then he'd be taken advantage of by girls. He needed to change.

And so, he embarked on this long, complicated journey, trying to mold himself into the right amount of gentleman but the perfect shade of tough guy. He made poor choices, including but not limited to: cheating on women, beating guys up, and disobeying his parents.

By the time he was sixteen, Darrius' parents couldn't handle this new version of him anymore. They'd tried mediation, but it didn't work. Taking things from him only fueled him more. They realized that they had no other choice but to send him away.

That's right. For a year, Darrius was at "reform school" where he had time away from all the things that his usual public school brought upon him. Though he never really dropped the bad version of himself, Darrius did learn how to master multiple personalities. That was his strongest suit.

And, while being at the reform school, Darrius took up basketball to pass time. It was like a mini prison with better food, so there was almost always nothing to do other than chores or workout.

Darrius played every day, in and out, and against everybody. He challenged everybody, and refused to ever end the day on a loss. He trained himself to have near perfect aim, and because of that, he would eventually become one of the best shooters... on and off the fucking court.

Yeah, you heard me right. Darrius learned how to make guns on his own, having mastered the skill once he was back home. To test his creations, and his aim, he would shoot at squirrels, birds, and bunnies. Once he excelled in that, his target became a lot bigger: humans.

Don't worry, this isn't going to get dark. Darrius never killed anybody, luckily. He did however, shoot people in drive bys and ambush attacks. He never got caught, because he was smart about how he moved, but he lived with that paranoia constantly. In fact, said paranoia grew, and it became a thing in every aspect of his life, especially with girls.

Throughout high school, Darrius was a serial cheater. He knew how to be loyal, of course, but he didn't want to be seen as "soft" or "a bitch." He figured that once high school was out of his face, he'd settle down. And that he did.

But even with Mila, Darrius constantly feared the worst. She was a free-spirit, she didn't get hung up on niggas and her love for sex was strong. Darrius worried that if he didn't satisfy her, did something that upset her, or just simply stepped back slightly to focus on himself a little more, she'd cheat.

"Get out of your head" Darrius groaned as he stared at the teddy bear gift basket he'd gotten Mila's baby sister, Maya. Today was her seventh birthday, and Mila invited Darrius over for the little party that her family was hosting. Darrius had grown love for Maya, looking at her as if she was his child, and couldn't help but get her a present. He just worried that Mila would think it's too much.

"Fuck it" Darrius sighed, "we ball."


I wanted to call Maya's erratic behavior annoying, but I know I stressed that girl out when it was my birthday as well, so I guess she and I are even.

"I'm seven!" Maya pranced around the kitchen, refusing to eat her birthday waffles. Hell, and the bitch wonders why she's so frail compared to her classmates. I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"You'll be 'forever seven' if you don't start putting food into your system Maya" I warned. "Wouldn't wanna croak and die one of these days, would you?"

"You're gonna die first" Maya informed me, "because you're older than me." I laughed, genuinely, at my sister's naiveness. "I bet you wish that was how that worked" I said. "Unfortunately, it's not."

It was Christmas, though it wasn't snowing outside, nor was it cold, for once, and it was a weird day. Because of Maya's birthday, presents are a gradual thing rather than a day of thing. We don't get many presents anyways, since Maya and I just live with our mother, but we still get something.

"Someone's knocking" Maya perked up like a dog. An annoying barking chihuahua at that. I smiled.

"I wonder who it is" I said sarcastically, though I knew it was Darius.

"Happy birthday!" he jumped up and down as soon as I opened the door. Maya jumped with him as if they were besties or something. He'd also brought her a gift basket, which made me really happy. I'm glad Darrius likes kids. I hope we can have some of our own one day.

Life just felt so complete right now, even without my dad being in my life anymore. My baby sister was happy, my mom was content, and I had the perfect boyfriend. How did I get so freaking lucky?

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