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Maya was Mila's baby sister, only seven years old and in the second grade. However, she was wise beyond her years, to a degree. Though if you entered her head at any given moment, all you'd hear is "lalalala, lalalala!" She was only slightly less deranged than Mila was.

Maya was actually a product of a semen donor. She didn't know her dad, and her mom made that pretty clear to her early on, but it didn't bother her, probably because Mila and her daddy didn't get along anyways. Clearly dads weren't of any use.

It had been Maya and mom for some time, though she did see Mila a ton growing up. When she found out that her older sister was moving in, she was over the moon. Maya adored Mila more than Mila knew.


"Would you like a cupcake" Jake asked me. He was so fly! I like him. I want him to be my man!

"You are so cute" I told Jake. "Cupcakes? For me?"

"Uh, there for everybody" Jake said, "just take one."

"Wanna make a trade?" I asked.

"Depends" Jake said.

"I take a cupcake, and you take my number."

"I don't have a phone" Jake answered. I shrugged, "me too. So be my boyfriend instead?"

"You drive a pretty hard bargain Maya" Jake replied. "Deal! I'll be your boyfriend right after I pass out these cupcakes." I fist-pumped, "alright!"


Jake was some four-foot, five inched caucasian boy that Maya shared class with. He had a brunette buzz cut, blue eyes, and freckles, though you couldn't see them unless you were in the sun. Maya didn't know a thing about dating, but she did know that she couldn't stop thinking about Jake. She was so gonna tell Mila that she had a man now. She couldn't wait!


"Alright" I said as Mila entered my home. "I called you both here today because Mila, Marcus has been playing like shit without you. Somehow we made it to the semifinals, though I think that's partially because all the other teams pity us right now, but that's besides the point. Marcus is needed now more than ever before and if you don't take him back-"

"I'll get back with him" Mila shrugged. "I don't mind. I was thinking about reaching out to him soon."

"You don't mind?" Marcus asked, "am I just meh for you? Why don't you look at me and think you can't be without me?" I squinted at Marcus, what type of bizzare way of thinking was that? Lord, we doomed.

"I feel like you're trying to live up to whatever you think Darrius was" Mila told Marcus, "and that's why you're acting this way. But let me tell you, I was like this with Darrius too. You can even ask Dovi. Doesn't mean that I didn't like him." Marcus looked over at me for confirmation, I nodded.

"Darrius was pleading with me to get her back" I told Marcus, "you don't even know the half. Trust me, this big headed bitch is just nonchalant for no reason." Mila gasped at my commentary.

"You wanna know something Dovi?" Mila asked me, "since you wanna be funny! Sane'ya started seeing somebody new, and they're already kissing!"

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