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Nearly two weeks after Dovi's new slutty ting was beat to a pulp, Dovi and Sane'ya finally had a chance to talk. April was nearing and Mila's mom hoped to host a little Easter egg hunt for Maya and her peers, but Mila is practically the second adult in the home and therefore had to aid tremendously in the planning. Now, no way in hell was Mila doing that alone, so she got the group onboard. It was from there that the ball began rolling for Dovi and Sane'ya. Next thing they knew, they were on Sane'ya's porch, not mad at one another and not throwing hands. Just talking.

"Can you please tell me how you even found out?" Dovi asked. "I'm still lost. Is there a listening device under my skin or something somewhere?"

"Mila has a class with you" Sane'ya answered, not willing to play around with Dovi like he was her. "She was sitting in the back, overheard you two."

"The only bitch I saw in the back that day was some mysterious looking funky lady wearing a fedora and a Girl Scout uniform" Dovi insisted, "wait."

Sane'ya smiled, though barely. "Yup" she said.

"That little bitch" Dovi shook his head.

"Don't call my friend a bitch" Sane'ya warned. "It's because of that "bitch" that I found out. You was gonna be tricking behind my fucking back."

"Behind?" Dovi asked. "Sane'ya you didn't wanna see me, remember? You didn't want this. You went and got some old ass nigga. So why am I the villain?"

"Because I thought you'd fight for me" Sane'ya admitted. "I been weird too, I know that Dovi, but it ain't the same. What the hell does that old ass dude have on you? Being with him, I didn't expect you to be hurt or jealous by that."

"Sane'ya you being with anybody but me, would make me jealous" Dovi admitted. "Hell, you could playfully kiss the other girls on the cheek and I'd probably bug out." Sane'ya chuckled.

"What am I gonna do with you?" she groaned, leaning her head back. Dovi smirked, turning to face her fully. "I have an idea, or two" he voiced, "but it requires privacy." Sane'ya smiled.

"Let's go upstairs" she whispered, as if anybody was even around to hear these confused ass niggas. Well, actually, Mila was unpredictable... so she could be in the bushes somewhere or under a nearby car.

Speaking of Mila, she was having her own boy issue. Marcus had just found out that she was in his school this whole while. If that isn't bad enough, Marcus found that out through the team's water boy, who was geeked to be Mila's lab partner for an assignment. Mad wasn't even the word to describe what Marcus was. I'll tell you that much.

"I'm not dropping out!" Mila retorted to her pacing boyfriend. "Are you crazy? You want me to drop out because I have a male partner?"

"I want you to drop out because you're definitely not in college for all the right reasons" Marcus insisted. "Cause why didn't I know? Or Dovi? Because I know that if he'd been aware, he would have told me."

"I didn't tell you because us not knowing one another in that environment would've made it easier to focus" Mila argued. "Plus, why does you not knowing that matter? I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was a fucking nerd Marcus." Marcus huffed.

"Well, change your partner at least" he requested, to which Mila folded her arms. "Why can't I have male friends?" she asked. "You're close with Krystal."

Marcus cocked an eyebrow at his girlfriend. "Define close" he demanded, "because she and I only have one on one conversations when she's dumb about a nigga or I'm gushing about you." Mila rolled her eyes as Marcus continued to speak.

"And you have Dovi!" Marcus insisted. "You're not male friend-less." Mila scoffed, "Dovi and I argue every other hour" she replied, "he's as much an opp as he is a friend. Plus, he's head over heals for one of my best friends, if he wasn't, you'd be worried."

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