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Christmas was practically nothing for Mila's family, because Maya's birthday overrode it. Today she was eight, and unlike typical Philly fashion, it was nearly seventy degrees outside. Maya was about to have a fucking field day I tell you!

"Happy birthday!" Jake hugged Maya, with Preston standing behind his brother and Mila standing behind her sister. "I got you this."

Mila tried not to make eye-contact with Preston, but it was nearly impossible. She didn't know where they stood, given Preston's little boyfriend acted up immediately after. And guess what? It was like Mila had some fucking powers or something! Jalen came right behind Preston as she thought about that.

"No way" Mila shook her head, looking back at her friends that were here before she looked at Jalen, "you've got so much nerve to be here right now."

"Uh oh" Maya said, grabbing Jake and the present, "we should probably run. This is where it gets violent!" Jake nodded, as he and Maya ran together, hand in hand. How cute! But not right now.

"I came to apologize" Jalen said, as Marcus stepped in front of his girlfriend, practically shielding her. Marcus shook his head, "we don't care" he said, "you're not welcomed here, leave."

"Well" Preston insisted, "Mila said I could bring a guest" Mila scrunched up her face as Marcus looked back at her for what I assume was confirmation.

"I thought that guest was gonna be Jake!" she defended, "not your lousy ass boyfriend Jalen."

"So much for being supportive" Jalen folded his arms, "what happened to that?"

"First of all" Dovi said, "some of us never agreed to being supportive. That was Mila. I don't do gay, I don't care what you are to me. If Marcus went gay right now I'd drop him too."

"Excuse that homophobe" Sane'ya said, "but some of us don't mind, actually. It's just, you have drama along with that gayness." Jalen rolled his eyes.

"I'm not gay" he said, "one. Two, that thing with your house Sane'ya, I already apologized like a gazillion times. If I gotta say I'm sorry again, I will. Lastly, this is a tough time in my life."

"Look" Mila, who was sympathetic, just a dumb ass, said. "Dudes right, this is a tough time. I think we should all kind of just, ignore the factor that he might be gay. I mean, really, if you aren't gay as a male, why does it affect you? Let him do him. I just want us to all be friends again, it was fun."

Marcus shook his head, "I'm gonna keep it a buck" he began, "I don't think I can be cool with either of you, and it has nothing to do with you being gay. Jalen dated my girl when he knew she was still my girl, and Preston, you tried to get with her even though you knew she had a boyfriend. Both of you encroached on my relationship."

"You don't even wanna talk about it?" Mikeyia asked, "come on Marcus, everybody makes mistakes."

"The mistake here was that I ever felt pitiful towards these freaks" Marcus said, "but now that I'm here and having actually thought, I realize they're both terrible people. Fuck y'all." Mila groaned.

"Look" she said, "it's my sister's birthday. Come inside, let's be civil, and we can figure this out in the near future, day by day. Just please, for the love of God, everybody, do your best to not fucking ruin this shit. If someone does ruin it, I will be so mad that even hell will have no fury like mine." Everybody nodded.

"So" Mikeyia said, trying to lighten the mood, "it's Christmas! What do y'all wish for, this Christmas?"

"A solid bitch" Dovi mumbled, as Sane'ya eyed him.

"A real nigga for an ex" Sane'ya went immediately after, making everybody look at each other. Here niggas go again... but at least it's not Marcus and Mila this time. Dovi folded his arms.

"You and that new nigga at the club must've already fell out then" he voiced, "cause I'm as real as they get." Sane'ya laughed loudly and dramatically. "In what world?" she asked.

"Can we not?" Marcus asked, but Dovi wasn't having it. "Oh please!" Dovi said to his friend, "you literally make us harass Mila when you're going through it with her. The least you can do is let me get what I've gotta say, out." Marcus shook his head with a sigh.

As that issue was going on, Jake and Maya were off doing something that they probably shouldn't, in Maya's room. "My sister does this" Maya said, as she kissed Jake. It was awkward, and his lips were crusty as hell, but Maya didn't care, she just had her first real kiss! Not the lying shit she does with Mila, this was real! Like... it actually happened!

"Let's do it again!" Jake cheered, so they did. "Wanna see my milkers?" Maya asked, to which Jake shrugged. "I don't know what that is" he admitted, "but sure, okay!" Maya nodded and lifted up her shirt, showing her very barely budded boobs. Jake's mouth dropped open, "why are your nipples big."

"Hey!" Maya said, pulling her shirt down, "that's not nice." Jake gave Maya the puppy lip, "sorry."

"One more kiss?" Maya asked, because it's my birthday?" Jake nodded, "you've got a deal!"

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