𝟐.𝟏𝟏 || 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐳

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"Get in that box!" Renz demanded of me. It was a small cargo box that I'm sure could barely hold me. The police were surrounding the vehicle and somewhere in Renz & his friend's deranged mind, he must've imagined he could still escape this.

"Explain what's going on, and I will" I folded my arms. "Because I'd like to believe that I did not just get kidnapped by my sorta ex and his friend who pretended to be a police officer. And where's Lynn? Her fake ass! I knew she was in on this."

"I've done enough explaining to you" Renz replied hastily, as if I'd been the one in the wrong. "Box."


"Open up!" A deep masculine voice yelled. Following it, I could hear my female friends: Mila, Sane'ya and Mikeyia, calling out my name. "Can you hear us?"

"I hear you!" I screamed, right before Renz covered my mouth with all his strength. "I told you you we should've brought the fucking gun!" he said, "we could've had a hostage situation here."

I bit one of Renz's fingers, as it was partially in my mouth. He had sausage fingers.

"You bitch!" He yelled, as the back doors of the truck van thingy mijiggy where ripped open. Now that I think about it, Renz kinda dumb as fuck. They ain't even try to drive away or sum? Sure, they were most likely surrounded by police, but damn. Bunch of stupid motherfuckers.

"Matthew Lorenzo" an officer said, gun drawn, "step out of the vehicle. You too Lamar Benton."

While that had been going on, my friends got closer so that they could help me out of the vehicle.

"Renz" Mila said, as Renz had been getting handcuffed. "Do you think I'm cute?"

"Mila!" I replied, but she put a finger up.

"You're okay" Renz said, "I guess." Mila gasped.

"Krystal you dodged a bullet!" Mila insisted. "This man doesn't recognize true beauty anyways."

"At a time like this" Dovi began, "you wanna talk about true beauty? Go back in the fucking car Mila."

"Don't talk to my friend like that!" Sane'ya defended Mila, "how about you get in the car, spider legs."

"Krystal could've died!" Mikeyia interrupted. "Geez, what the hell wrong with all y'all? Damn."

The next hour or so was me telling the real police what had happened down to that fake interrogation. Like I suspected, Lynn was in on it, and Renz turned out to be some notorious child molester. Mila was right, I did doge a bullet. A huge one.

"Can we all just sit down, and catch up?" Mikeyia asked as we all made our way to Mila's house. "I feel like we only really be around one another when somebody's in some form of danger."

"I agree" Marcus said. "I swear I ain't fucking smile once since I joined in on this lil group of bafoons."

"So you're girlfriend's a bafoon?" Sane'ya asked, "Mila, do you hear this man?"

"She's the only normal one" Marcus replied, "actually, no. I love you babe, but you the biggest bafoon out of all these bitches."

"Anyways" Mila said, ignoring Marcus. "What's new with y'all? Specifically Dovi and Sane'ya."

"I swear to God" Dovi said to Mila, "you are like a fucking roach. Fast and tempting to kill but hard to get rid of because you just seem to multiply."

"Um," Mila said, "okay."

"Mila, Mila!" Mila's seven year old sister, Maya, came running in. "I have a boyfriend!"

Mila scrunched up her face. "Let me guess, some imaginary boy?" She asked, but Maya shook her head no. "Look!" she chirped, showing Mila and the rest of us a bite mark, that couldn't have been Maya's because one of her front teeth weren't grown in. "He and I gave each other bite marks."

"Mila" I said, "you might wanna have a special kind of talk with her, like now!" Mila laughed.

"Maya, you're too young for a boyfriend" Mila advised her baby sister. "You don't even understand feelings yet" Maya rolled her eyes.

"Then how come we kissed cheeks?" she asked, prompting Dovi to start laughing like he done lost his mind. "What's so funny?" Sane'ya asked him.

"She's Mila's sister for real" Dovi insisted, "she got that gene in her." Mila stiffened her jaw.

"Okay nigga" Marcus said, "enough with the jokes."

"My bad" Dovi said standing up, "but ima have to bail actually. I got a date tonight."

"That was funny" Sane'ya replied, "sit."

"You ain't want me" Dovi said, "so I kept it pushing."

"Dovi," Sane'ya said, "I'm telling you one more time. Sit the fuck down before I have to remind you of the girl that you met at the corner store."

"Mila" Maya came over to her sister, getting in her lap. "I'm scared. What's going on?"

"Too imbeciles in love" Marcus told Mila's sister. "Except one, the female one, is a lot less of an imbecile than the other." Maya giggled.

"So do you want me or not?" Dovi asked, still standing. "Pick right now Sane'ya."

"I wear the pants nigga" Sane'ya said right back. "Don't act tough cus Marcus is here. Sit down, and we'll talk about this later, or else."

"No" Dovi said simply, as he was met with a hard, dramatic slap very quickly after. I nearly choked on my saliva... where the hell these bitches even get that strength from? The room went silent, so silent that even little miss Maya didn't have shit to say.

"I'm gonna cancel" Dovi insisted softly, sitting down.

The PimpmastersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ