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Mikeyia took pride in being the youngest amongst her newfound friends. She figured that she was less experienced but also therefore safer, haven't had to have experienced all the nits and grits of men and even just adulthood. Though, she did previously go through it with her boyfr-husband, James.

The problem with those long-lasting-since-you-were-a-kid relationships, is that you don't really get to experience anything else. There are moments were it feels dull and boring because you've just been seeing the same motherfucker for however many years, and moments where you just want a break because you can't actually remember what it was like to be single. Throw in army life, and you have a whole lot of straight up hooplah.

For Mikeyia, she's always doubled down when it came to James. She knew how to fit into any personality needed to maintain their romance. If he was having a weekend long fit, then Mikeyia would be submissive. If he was iffy about something, she would come off as optimistic and out of the way, playing the supportive role. If he was hell bent on a breakup, she would hold an iron fist and refuse. Though she at times seemed crazy, she was the perfect lover, and James was, at times, unappreciative of that.

When the four girls were split into two, based on their living habits, there were the lover girls, and the too turnt. Mikeyia and Krystal were soft, caring, and couldn't bring themselves to play niggas. Meanwhile Mila and Sane'ya worked off of past pain, though their way of working slightly differed. Mila was like a sex symbol, fucking whomever and leaving them in the dust, while Sane'ya valued occupying their mind and then confusing them. She didn't give herself up.

But Mila didn't mind giving herself up, or presenting her body so much. She was a slim thick, having a shape that could pass as slim to some and thick to others. She liked her body, as did most people, and was used to it being what men worked off of. She was used to being used for her figure, and eventually, just realized that the ball was actually in her court, she just kept passing it to these men. That was put to an end the second Mila realized that.

Mila's heart was always taken advantage of, growing up. She was treated terribly just because she could be. She never had a real love story, one that made her say "he was good to me, out of all the bad." She didn't have what Krystal once had or what Mikeyia currently has. She just had pain. And because of that, she became a nigga's pain. She knew how the game worked and nothing could truly hurt her. Or, that's what everybody thought.

Having gone through it for years on end, Mila grew ultra-sensitive to love. She'd never let a nigga see or know that they hurt her, of course, but she'd break down when she was alone and in her feelings. She was almost twenty years old and still couldn't land a real man... and why? What was it that Krystal had done right to have Jordan for even a few years? What did Mikeyia do different that got her a ring before she was even eighteen years old? Mila was lost at her disastrous romance history, and it did nothing but make her angry.


"Dovi told me you would be here" Darrius approached me as I had been waiting outside the gym. Dovi asked me to do something for him, but I could now see that I was set up like a motherfucker. Darrius had been holding a bouquet of roses with a note.

"Why are you speaking to me?" I asked, and Darrius looked at me sympathetically. "Mila, please!"

"I know what I did was wrong, or weird at least, but I'm trying to fix things now" Darrius continued. "Look! I got your roses!" He attempted to hand me the bunched up roses and the note. I took it, smiling at him, prompting him to smile as well.

Then, I threw the roses on the floor and stomped on them a dozen times like mad-woman.

"Mila!" Darrius screamed, to which I screamed right back. "Leave me the fuck alone already!"


"Excuse me, behind the counter is for employees only" I told a twenty something looking man who'd been hanging up his jacket on the employee coat-hanger.

"Oh I work here" he guaranteed me, "I'm your new boss sweetheart. Mr Lorenzo, call me Renz."

"You look pretty young to be a boss" I joked, shaking Renz's hand. He was a white passing man with mixed features, so I could tell that he wasn't straight up white. He had light, very light, brown eyes, and curly, but not black people curly, more like Queen Elizabeth curly, hair. He wasn't ugly, but, not my type either. Man, why the hell would he be my type anyways? He was my fucking boss.

"Looks like it's just you and I during this shift kid" Renz informed me, "the other two called out. You must be the best worker huh?"

"You wish I was the best worker" I joked, forgetting that this man was my boss for a second.

"I do wish" Renz mumbled, walking by me and into the back room. I looked back at him, shocked, though his back was turned towards me.



"Why is it, that we never seem to actually watch the movie?" I asked Dovi in between kisses. He kept trying to creep his hand under my shirt, but I was stopping him. I struggled with knowing when it's time to give it up, as I'd only done that once. I loved Mila and all, but I wasn't like her. Dovi and I had only been together for a month and a half or so, we haven't even said I love you yet. I can't have sex with somebody in that position... I think.

"When are we gonna take it to the next level?" Dovi sat up and asked me. "Like, seriously Sane'ya, all we do is kiss. I can't even touch up on you. Do you think I got something or some shit?" I shook my head.

"I have sex with you, we break up the next day, then what?" I asked Dovi, folding my arms. "I need to make sure we locked in, like for real."

"I'm sorry" Dovi shook his head, "I told you a while ago that I would be patient, and here I am being the most impatient nigga ever." I smiled, "all good."


"Matthew Lorenzo" I said aloud as Mila hovered behind me. I had been sitting at my desk, where my computer was, reading a Facebook profile. The man in the pictures looked damn near identical to Renz.

"Oop" Mila said, looking on. "Looks like he's married." I rolled my eyes, though Mila couldn't see that. "I don't want him anyways" I alleged.

As I tried to zoom into a picture of him and his apparent wife, I accidentally liked it. "Shit!"

"Unlike it!" Mila demanded, "maybe if you do it fast enough, he won't get the notification!" I tried to unlike, but my mouse was glitching. Of course, this is the fucking time that it decides to do this.

"You just got a friend request" Mila said in a worried tone, pressing her finger against my screen as if it were a touch-screen. "And I fear that it might be him." I tried to stay optimistic, what were the chances that it was actually him?

"And it's him" I groaned, opening the notification.

"It'll be awkward either way" Mila insisted, "might as well just accept it. Maybe he won't bring it up."

"You're right" I told my friend, "ima accept."

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