𝟏.𝟏𝟐 || 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬

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"Okay" I thought to myself, "so far, so good."

Since my incident on Facebook, with my new boss, I actually haven't seen him. Granted it was only two days ago, and he was simply off yesterday, maybe the accidental liking Gods of Facebook were granting me a pass. I hope they were, anyways.

"If it isn't my favorite employee!" Renz came from the back-room, cheery and proud. I spoke too soon and apparently had luck as good as Draymond Green's three-point shooting percentage.

"Yeah" I dragged the word, awkwardly, as I played with the keys on the register. "Here I am."

"I must be your favorite boss" Renz said, placing a Capri-sun near me, "because I saw that you added me on Facebook?" I bit my lip, "accidentally" I insisted. "I... just wanted to learn more about you. Don't fire me." Renz smiled at my commentary.

"Krystal," he began, "how old do you think I am?"

"I dunno" I said, purposely trying to sound far off. "Thirty? Thirty-five?" Renz eyes darted wide open, as if I'd just badly insulted him. "Not even close."

"I'm twenty-two, Krystal" he informed me. "Weeks away from getting my undergrad." I squinted.

"It's the beginning of October" I voiced, "how are you weeks away from getting your undergrad? Isn't it the start of the school year?" Renz chuckled.

"I see somebody has never been to college" he joked, "but that's not how it works. If you take summer classes, and start a semester later, you'd finish during the fall. That's what happened to me."

"My bad, Mr education" I replied, hands in the air. Renz very quickly looked me up and down before turning to walk into the back room again.

"Oh and for the record Krystal," he voiced, facing me for a moment, "I'm a single man. That marriage status that you probably noticed, was this on-going thing from high school with my girl best friend, who is a lesbian. I'm up for grabs."

"Uh" I awkwardly began, "uh, okay, thanks?"

This had to have been a fucking fever dream... or maybe I was over-analyzing? Was he flirting with me? Is he interested in me? Would it be wrong to date him? I mean, I can always get a new job, right?


"Shit" I groaned as I laid on the living room sofa. My left leg rested over my right, and both legs folded up. My stomach was absolutely killing me, and I didn't know why. I imagined that it would've been food poisoning, but that goes away after a few days. It's been a week, and my symptoms weren't getting any better. If I had any common sense, I would assume that I was pregnant. Wait..

"Dammit!" I sat up, prompting my little sister to come running into the living room.

"What's wrong Mila?" she asked, "are you having nightmares again?" I rolled my eyes.

"It was one time, Maya" I told my baby sister. "Now go away, I have a big-girl problem."

"I might be able to help you" Maya smiled, showing that damned missing tooth. I shook my head.

"Only thing you'd be able to help me do in this case, is hurry up the ass beating that mom's gonna give me" I informed my sister. "And that won't happen, because I'm not telling you what's going on, snitch-a-reeni." Maya folded her arms.

"Fine!" she said in her sassy voice, "but you better hope I don't find out on my own! I've been learning how to read three syllable words, and I know you have a diary. You've got your work cut out for you Mila!" With that, Maya ran off, doing her stupid "muhahahaha" evil laugh. I groaned before falling back on my back. What am I gonna do?

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