𝟏.𝟏𝟖 || "𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮"

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Ever since their parents meeting, Mila and Darrius had become damn near inseparable. Darrius' mother adored Mila, and found her to be the perfect girlfriend for Darrius. Likewise, Mila's mom was proud of Mila's choice of a boyfriend. Marissa believed that Darrius would keep Mila's head out the gutter. Now, all Mila and Darrius needed to do, was not screw the hell up and get pregnant.

Speaking of pregnant, Mikeyia had been cleared by a nurse. Similarly to what happened to Mila, with the phantom symptoms, not the damn booty fucking, Mikeyia's body convinced her that she was pregnant. She wasn't, thankfully, but she wasn't telling a James that just yet. She wanted to see how long he'd carry out this ridiculous "Mikeyia strike."

As for Krystal, she'd been over at Renz's house a lot more often. In fact, he gave her a copy key, so that she could stop by whenever she'd like to. However, she began noticing little weird things. Two days ago, she saw an elastic in the sink... Renz's hair is too short for an elastic. Last week, at the end of the week, Krystal found panties at the bottom of Renz's laundry hamper... Renz doesn't wear panties.

But Krystal was finally getting over her past hurt. She didn't need to further complicate things and question what isn't obvious. She was probably just overthinking a lot, as per usual.

Sane'ya was breaking barriers in her own right, too. She finally came around to more than just kissing with Dovi. In fact, they jumped all the other bases, and got straight to dry humping. Oh, and they also said the words "I love you." How cute.


"What's this?" I asked, as I was greeted by Darrius with a fucking space helmet.

"It's for our first official date" Darrius informed me, "if you couldn't tell, you and I are going to space."

"Space?" I asked, "like, zero gravity? Yeah fucking right." Darrius chuckled, "I love your attitude."

"But it's like a VR thing, except full body and it has similar effects of actual space, hence why I'm giving you a helmet" Darrius added, I nodded.

"You know, a simple Wendy's dine-in would've been fine with me babe" I joked.

"I'm not like the lame niggas you're used to" Darrius stated. "I don't do the bare minimum. Now stop questioning me, and take this space suit as well."


I heard a knock on my door, but it was a very distinct one. I knew the girls wouldn't ever do this knock, nor would they knock without telling me. Guess who came crawling right back like I suspected they would?!

"Hi" James said before the door was even fully open. "I'd like to inform you that I will be away for the next six months." My mouth dropped at James' announcement. You'd think this nigga had some decorum to at least address our previous issue.

"Why?" I asked, though I just simply wasn't thinking. A nigga in the army tells you he's gonna be away for half a year... hm... why could that be?!

"Deployed" James began, "and I was thinking that for now, it might be for the better. I think we both need a break, to think and recollect." I scoffed.

"Okay" I replied, "yeah. Have fun."

"That's it?" James asked, stopping me as I tried closing the door. "Have fun?"

"What do you want me to say?" I asked. "You want me to get on my knees and cry to the Lord?"

James shook his head, "okay Mikeyia" he said, "forget it. When I get back, we'll see how we feel about this whole marriage thing."


"Another round?!" I pleaded with Dovi as he laid shirtless, clearly tired.

"I never thought I'd see the day where a woman had a better sex drive than me" he said between deep breathes. "This is crazy, you aren't tired?"

"Tired of not feeling pleasured" I joked, to which Dovi laughed. Though whether or not that laugh was genuine, I couldn't fucking tell you.

Ever since Dovi and I started having sex, it's been an every day thing. I didn't imagine that somebody as slender as Dovi would have dick good enough to make me acting crazy for seconds. I've always been chill on niggas, but Dovi? Tuh, that dick was serious.


I guess you could say I had grown a little too obsessed with being at Renz's house. Here I was again, in his bathroom, when I heard him come home. Because I wanted to surprise him, I hid under his bed.

"That was the best date ever" a very clearly feminine voice said. "Who would've known that you were such a romantic?" I watched as an article of clothing dropped from the woman's body. I couldn't see her face, but I could see her ankles. She was white.

I held my breath as she and Renz got on the bed, very clearly having sex. I was fuming, but Renz also wasn't my boyfriend. But why wouldn't he just mention that he had a girlfriend at first?

And now, I was stuck under this bed for who knows how long, listening to them having sex. Great.


"Ready to let go?" Darrius asks as he and I were holding hands, in the middle of our little astronaut date. I shook my head.

"If you let go, will I float away?" I asked, and Darrius chuckled, but it was muffled.

"You'll float" he confirmed, "but how far could you possibly go? Look at this space." I looked around.

"But if I float away, how can we make our way back to one another?" I asked. The air blower was so loud that we practically had to yell at one another.

"I'll swim to you" Darrius promised, "don't worry."

I let go and instantly flew upwards. "Wee!" I called out, as if I'd been my sister's age. "This is fun!"

"You see?" Darrius asked, "nothing to be scared of." I smiled, though I'm sure Darrius couldn't see that.

"Darrius" I called out, trying to float closer to him.

"Yeah?" He replied, getting the memo and making attempts to get closer to me.

"I think I love you."

"Say that again!" Darrius called out, "but mean it."

"I love you."

"I love you too Mila" Darrius said as he got in reach and grabbed both of my arms. "So, so, much."

The Pimpmastersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें