𝟒.𝟏𝟒 || 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫

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"Sane'ya" Dovi said as he and I walked on the sidewalk, "why did you invite me to go on some fucking walk with you?" I shrugged at the question.

"I just wanted to help you get your mind off of Lauren" I told Dovi. "I can't imagine how hard it is. It's been weeks and police have no trace. I'm sorry that you're suffering Dovi, I hope she's found."

"I can't do this," Dovi began walking away from me, "not with you, Sane'ya. I have a lot bigger issues than taking a hike with my ex. Find someone else to do it." I rolled my eyes, mumbling once Dovi was a good distance away from me. "Dead bitch."



"It has been four weeks" Dovi gritted through his teeth, "and I still have no sign of Lauren. I wasn't gonna say it before, because I didn't want to accuse your girlfriend of such thing, but I think she did something really bad." I looked at Dovi like he was out of his mind, "Dovi, Mila didn't give a damn about Lauren" I said, "so why would she do that?"

"That's the point!" Dovi was adamant. "She doesn't care about Lauren's well-being. And I don't think she worked alone nor was she the prime suspect, but I do think she knows why Lauren suddenly disappeared. I'm not dumb Marcus, I know those girls." I shook my head at my friends words.

"Nah" I said, "you clearly don't. I get you're stressed Dovi, but to come to my house and start telling me about my fiancé? You're crazy. And I'm not tolerating that shit. I don't care how long we been friends." Dovi shook his head, ready to turn around and walk out, but instead, he sighed.

"I'm sorry" Dovi groaned, "I really am. It's just, I'm lost in this whole thing. Even Lauren's parents don't know her whereabouts. The police aren't taking this serious. I'm stuck picking up the pieces and trying to jam them into one another." I frowned.

"I'm sorry man" I said, "but in the mean time, maybe you should see other people. I know that might feel weird or wrong but it seems like that's all there is to do." Dovi looked into the distance, not speaking.

"Do you think" Dovi began before stopping. I looked at him, "do you think..." I repeated.

"Do you think that maybe Lauren just didn't want me anymore?" Dovi wondered aloud. "Maybe she had been living another life and felt it was easier to just disappear than it was to tell me to my face?"

I nodded. "That's possible" I admitted. "But I don't think she's dead. Ain't nobody around this bitch smart enough to murder her and rid all evidence."


Something within me hasn't been the same as of late. I loved my daughter and even though we weren't on good terms, I loved Mikeyia. But right now? I was losing my mind. Knowing she really doesn't want me was finally setting in and I was having all kinds of diabolical thoughts right about now.

I had done some stalking and saw that she was dating a boy named Korey. I went online and was able to find his address. However, given Elizabeth was just born, I don't think he's gonna be home right now. He's probably with her.

In the last few weeks, I've completely forgotten what the purpose of my life even was. I feel like I worked so hard to do this one thing and then when Mikeyia told me she didn't want part, I realized that hell, maybe I didn't even want part. I thought I did.

So that being said, I didn't care what I did now. Life has no meaning, I might as well express my anger.


"Hello?" I answered the girl call, seeming to be the last to pick up. Mikeyia looked apprehensive.

"Okay I know you guys are probably busy" she panted, "but I need you here, like now! James pulled up my house with a fucking revolver. Korey is with me and we're scared to go outside." I watched the screen as Mikeyia made that announcement and saw Mila's emotion evidently drop. I'm sure Mikeyia meant well, but she knows what Mila has been through with guns and such.

"On my way," Mila mumbled before hanging up. "Uh," Sane'ya said, "me too," doing the same. I didn't want to have to speak to Mikeyia one on one, so I followed suit. I called Mila to make sure she was okay, and apparently, she was on a call with Sane'ya when I joined. "Hi!" I tried to lift the mood, "you okay Mila? I know that must of been a hard topic."

"Oh she good," Sane'ya insisted, "we're saying we should just let Mikeyia get shot." I gasped, well damn. I know that Mikeyia's younger than us and therefore sometimes really annoying, but shot is kind of crazy. Mila shook her head, "we're grown, Krystal" she informed me. "We don't have time for this fat bitch and her military drama." Now that really blew me. It's not that I disagree or anything, but I had assumed all was good with us and Mikeyia. I never knew that either Sane'ya or Mila felt this way.

"Okay," I said, "how about we at least go, it seemed like Mikeyia was frantic. We can call the police if James is actually there with a revolver." I didn't believe Mikeyia at all, because she is sometimes dramatic, but I also wouldn't put it behind James. This group that we have, it's dysfunctional as hell. We've been through the wringer and back.


Marcus and I showed up at Mikeyia's house, following Krystal's idea of not initiating anything. I felt bad, but at the same time, didn't. Sane'ya, Krystal and I, we were the same crowd. We have similar experiences and we fit in with one another. Then we had coocoo bird military bitch here forcing judges to officiate her wedding and shit, only caring about herself. I didn't hope Mikeyia died, because I wouldn't wish that on anybody, but honestly, it would be a weight off this group's shoulders.

Think about our group pulling up as if we were about to jump a bitch. Three cars: mine, Krystal and Sane'ya's came to the scene. Dovi was with Krystal and Sane'ya was in her car alone, I think. We didn't see anybody outside of the house, but we did see the door wide open and James' car. It wasn't in me to keep up the song give a fuck act. At the end of the day, a piece of me still cared about Mikeyia. Without another thought, I unbuckled my seat belt and rushed out of the car, Marcus trying to prevent me from doing so but untimely giving up and following suit. My friends in there cars did the same thing.

We didn't have to go up the stairs or follow some crazy map to find the crime scene. Mikeyia, Korey, and James laid in a puddle of blood, literal holes sitting in there bodies. I was having flashbacks, instantly regretting why I decided to come. "What is that yellow oil around her?" Dovi asked, "is that fat?" Everybody tried not to laugh, cause now wasn't the time. "Look," Marcus said, "we need to back away and call the police. Don't touch nobody." I was numb, and apparently my friends were too. We had been "murderers" for a little while now, this wasn't our first rodeo with seeing a dead body. But yet, I expected more emotion. I mean, Mikeyia was literally our friend. Why wasn't anybody sad.

"Mikeyia killed Lauren!" Sane'ya blurted out, as soon as we backed away and out of the house. Dovi and Marcus looked at each other, wide eyed. As for Sane'ya, Krystal and I, we just looked at one another, knowing Sane'ya was lying but now had to follow suit with her story. "Yeah," I forced out, "I'm sorry Dovi. She did it while we were upstairs and we all freaked so we told Mikeyia how to rid her." I expected Dovi to get mad at all of us, call us names or something, but he didn't. He nodded, "aye" he said, "an eye for an eye. Lauren's dead, and now Mikeyia is. Sounds like a her issue."

I held my mouth, just remembering the holes that I saw in Mikeyia's body. The oil nobody knew of. "I'm gonna be sick," I groaned, as we waited for the police to arrive. Krystal was making the call.

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