𝟒.𝟓 || 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐝𝐨

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Well, Mila was summoned to speak to a judge, one on one. Marcus was supposed to go home, like his friends that had all been freed (other than Mila), but he was adamant on winning his girl back. So, he stuck around as he waited for Mila. I've gotta admit, this stupid ass nigga got heart, and you boutta see why. So check this, Mila and Mr judge man go from the open court room to the bathroom together, and stay in there for half an hour. Now Marcus wasn't certain at first that it was a bathroom, but he soon enough got a confirmation when the judge came out fixing his pants, and Mila fixing her shirt. Hell...

Marcus couldn't breathe. His chest heaved, trying to understand what even happened. He and Mila had been through so much, and he loved her, but sex with the judge? Are you kidding? Is that how pathetic she was? Well, maybe she needed that to get out of jail time... Marcus of all people would know what kind of suction cube mouth Mila's got. "Shit" Marcus said aloud, scrambling behind the large automatic doors, as he noticed far too late that Mila was making her way over, seeming to not have seen her ex-boyfriend just yet. If he ran, Mila would see him eventually. He just had to play it cool.

"Hey!" Mila greeted Marcus, seeming to forget that she even broke up with him. Marcus smiled shyly at his ex-girlfriend. "Hi" he said coldly, trying to come out nice but just couldn't. He was pissed! Mila furrowed her eyebrows at Marcus' reaction to her greeting. "Did I do something wrong?" she questioned him. "Are you mad at me?" Given the fact that Mila broke up with Marcus a couple days ago, Marcus actually had the perfect out in this. "I mean" Marcus began, "you did break up with me."

"I was overwhelmed" Mila said, "hurt at that secret. I just, I'm scared of it happening again." By "it," Mila meant somebody she loves getting killed. Marcus sighed, unsure of how much longer he could keep what he had seen inside. "Talk about secrets" he mumbled, grabbing Mila's attention. She cocked an eyebrow at her ex-boyfriend, "huh?"

Marcus sighed, finally thinking "fuck it" in his head. "You know what?" he asked aloud, "I know that you gave the judge head. Then you have the audacity to come right back to me and pretend I've been the only thing on your mind? You're disgusting Mila." Mila frowned, though she didn't deny. "You don't understand what charges I was facing" she defended herself. "I could've been in jail for the rest of my life. On top of that, I was single. So it doesn't matter."

"Oh!" Marcus beamed, "so you broke up with me because you had that plan in mind all along?!" Mila looked at Marcus like he was deranged. "No..." she trailed, "I didn't. You know why I broke up with you Marcus, and the reasoning was incredibly valid." Marcus nodded, now having convinced himself that Mila had been plotting since. "We can be done" he insisted, getting ready to walk away from Mila. "I can't be with a city-wide slut." Normally words like that would hit Mila in the core, but she didn't flinch this time because it's happened all before. Marcus was sensitive and didn't think when upset, Mila had learned. She just had to ride it out and he would eventually come around, that's how it always was.

So, she let him walk away.



Feelings were hard and annoying and... I just hated them. One second I'm like "fuck Mila," and the next I'm head over heels. I realized while arguing with her earlier, that we didn't even celebrate one year together. The Dovi killings, Jalen, and now this... we never had time to. I do intend on taking Mila back, just, not right now. I can't think right now and when my head is cloudy, I make poor decisions.

"Marcus!" My mom called out, "there's somebody at the door for you!" I bursted through my room, thinking Mila was here and wanted to talk, but I insisted found myself posted in front of Jalen. My smile dropped instantly and I was ready to shut the door. "Wait!" Jalen insisted, "please, let me talk."

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