𝟑.𝟏𝟕 || 𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫...

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A year ago, Mila was meeting Darrius' family, and vice versa. Today, Mila is meeting Marcus' family.

"Every year!" Maya dragged as mom finished putting Mila's little sister's hair up. "Every year we have to meet a new man Mila! Can't you just keep one?!"

"Maya" Mila groaned, "this is only the second time. Plus, if Darrius didn't die, then I'd probably still be with him right now." Maya made an o-face.

"He died?!" she asked, "I thought he just left you." Mila folded her arms, "all this time" she said, "all these conversations, and you thought he was alive and well? Get your head in the game Maya!"

"Ugh" Mila and Maya's mom said. "Both of you, just get in the freaking car already." The girl's nodded and did what was asked.


"You're not bringing Sane'ya today?" My mother asked me, but I shook my head. "It's over mom" I informed her, "for good. We just grew apart."

Mom nodded as she set up the plates. I sat at the table, early I know but I didn't have shit to do. I watched in agony, realizing that I couldn't do this for good shit that I told Sane'ya I was down for. Seeing her the other day with that guy? What was I thinking?

"You know" my mom said, walking around the kitchen. "Nothing worth having comes easy. I mean, look at your friend! What's her name... Mina?"

"Mila" I corrected my mom. She nodded, "yes."

"Didn't her boyfriend die in her arms?" my mom asked me, I nodded. Truthfully, I didn't wanna get into this Darrius shit, even nearly eleven months later. I just always avoided the topic, unless it was to wag my finger at Marcus and Mila. But other than that, I truly was hurting. I just couldn't be as emotional as people expected me to be, however.

"But she found love still, even though she's probably not healed from that death" my mom insisted. "And I'm sure she and him have many bumps in the road, simply because they're both healing, but they're making it work. Those two will get married."

I scoffed, "you think Mila and Marcus will get married?" I asked my mom, "Mila would rather die then be under that kind of commitment."

"So you think" my mom replied, "but I've been that age before. I've been Mila before, deceased boyfriend and all." I went wide eyed at that revelation.

"My point is" my mother said, "they're not 'toxic' like your generation likes to call couples like them, they're just having their first real adult relationship. In the next few months, or maybe even one to two years, the immaturity between them will fizzle out. You'll see exactly what I'm talking about in due time." I nodded, not that I gave a fuck but yeah.

"So what about me and Sane'ya?" I asked, "I shouldn't give up on her?" my mom shook her head no. "Of course not Deovion" she said, using my full name. "You two are young, haven't even had any real issues, and are a good fit. You're both quiet and out of trouble." See... I could tell that I ain't tell my momma enough, cause that shit was far from true. But then again, if I told my mother that Darrius is in a coffin under ground because of me, she'd probably make me join him. I sighed.

"I'll do my best" I assured my mom.


As I sat down unsteadily, my bootyhole aching still, James joined me. This is our second thanksgiving together as husband and wife! Well... let me just say first chile, cause last year was a damn shame.

"So" My mom said, "let's hold hands in prayer."

"Oh" James said, "I'm not religious like that." I saw that coming, but I was hoping he was just gonna shut the hell up. I groaned, as mom looked over at me. "Mikeyia" my mother said, "I don't want you seeing this boy again." James had a witty look on his face, and I know that it wasn't with good intention.

I tried to open my mouth before he could, but James beat me to it. "We're married" he confided to my mother, "legally. Had a small little court wedding. So you can't forbid nothin', Ms Brayboy." I slouched in full panic. What the actual fuck was wrong with this nigga?! He starting to act like Darrius when he fucked Mila in the ass, just telling any fucking body all willynilly.

"You... what?!" My mom raged, standing up and straight up sounding like a nigga. I folded my lips in, "I'm sorry mom" I said, "we didn't mean for it to happen but, he's in the military, and there's benefits-" my mother cut me off.

"Benefits?" She asked, "Mikeyia, what don't you get at home that you can get with these benefits? You're too young to be married and you're definitely not prepared to be a wife or mother in any way." I nodded, unsure of what to say, but James was on a role today, for whatever reason. He was saying any and everything that he wanted to.

"We have a child on the way from our surrogate" he admitted, and my mom just slapped her plate off the table, straight up. "Okay" she said, before walking away. I looked at James like I was about to kill him.

"She had to know" he hissed. "Krystal is pregnant and we have only seven months to tell her. Don't you think when she saw you buying baby shit, she'd figure it out?" I sighed.

"I get that" I admitted, "really. But did you have to tell the dang woman at thanksgiving dinner? Now my Black Friday shopping is probably ruined!"

"Damn" James said, "okay. I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, I'll take you shopping."


Though Sane'ya kindddd of had a man, they were far too new to be meeting families. Plus, he was like twenty-six, and she only twenty-one, so she feared her momma would flip. She figured she would play it safe and instead, invited me. She knew I was pregnant, single, and lonely, and didn't want me feeling neglected and suffered.

"Why don't you get a man?" Sane'ya asked as we sat in her car, after having ate with her family. We wanted our own space to be able to have our own conversations and shit. I shrugged.

"Because right now, I'm not in the right space" I answered honestly. "Jacques reached out to me, but I ignored it. I just can't do all that right now. I have a baby who I need to be healthy for. I can't be stressing and doing all this crazy shit." Sane'ya smiled, like genuinely. Ear to ear.

"I'm proud of you babe" she said, "truly. I don't think there is anybody else in this group that could do what you're doing. You have such a great heart."

The PimpmastersOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara