𝟏.𝟔 || 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥

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"Ouuuu, is that a boy?" my six-year-old half sister, Maya, asked as she hovered over my phone. I rolled my eyes at the obvious question she'd just asked.

"No" I said in sarcasm, "it's a girl." Maya's mouth formed a letter O shape, she was clearly shocked.

I copied her. "Surprised, right?" I asked, "now go."

Literally five minutes later. My mom came hootin and hollerin into the kitchen, damn near hysterical.

"What's wrong?" I shot up. "Did dad finally die?" My mom gave me a taken back look, so I got into character quickly, though I'd already said what I said. "I mean, oh no, is my father okay?"

"It's not about your dad Mila!" my mom spat. "It's about you! Maya told me you had a girlfriend?!"

"What?" I squinted at my mother, who was about five feet or so. I stood at five-foot-five. "I'm not dating a girl. In fact, I'm not officially dating anyone." My mom didn't look pleased.

"So you're talking, to a girl?" she questioned, and I rolled my eyes.

"I am so gonna beat that little girl" I mumbled, before replying to my mom. "I told Maya that because she was being annoying and asking dumb questions. I'm not messing with a girl, I'm seeing a guy." My mom took a dramatic deep breath.

"Thank God!" she cheered. "Oh, I've gotta call your aunt Nelly and tell her to cancel the shock therapy."

"And that" I began as I grabbed my car keys and my light red Nike sweater, "is my cue to leave."


"I swear if it's Frederick 1600s named ass" I said aloud as I walked to the door, given I'd just heard the doorbell. "I am so done with that boy."

Instead, I was greeted by Dovi, who had also been holding a bouquet of flowers. "Oh," was all I said.

"You're playing hard to get" Dovi confided, "and, I don't really know what to do. I want you, but I can't tell if you don't want me, or are just like this in general. So I guess asking you to be my official girlfriend will confirm it."

"Okay" I shrugged, taking the flowers and walking away, but leaving the door open for Dovi to follow.

"Okay?" Dovi asked, "that's it? So is that a yes?"

"Don't make this weird nigga" I warned Dovi, "I said ok. I'll be your girlfriend tall stack."

"Wanna cuddle?" Dovi asked, "watch a movie maybe?" I shrugged, "yeah I don't mind. Don't be touching up on me though, I'd hate to have to beat a man." Dovi chuckled, but I was dead ass.


"Wassup Krystal?" I asked as Krystal opened the door. She had asked me if I could come by her place.

"We need to have a serious talk" Krystal insisted, no damn hi or nothing. "You and I, we need a plan."

"Okay" I said, stretching out the word. "What's up?"

"Mila and Sane'ya have men Mikeyia! We don't! What the hell are we doing wrong?"

"Tuh" I replied, "you did have a man the other day apparently, but you beat up his sister."

"I didn't know that was his sister!" Krystal defended herself, and I nodded in understanding.

"Then he probably wasn't much of your man, actually" I replied, "because I knew all of James' estranged siblings, even though they could get bom-"

"Enough!" Krystal yelled, "with the bombing Mikeyia. This is serious! Forget James! Can he even see out of his damn left eye still? Or did that crowbar do his ass like Stevie fucking Wonder?"

"He probably is blind!" I wagged my finger at Krystal, "that would explain why he isn't replying to my messages." Krystal gave me a side-eye.

"Yeah" she said in a faint tone, "that's definitely why James isn't replying to your messages."


I touched Sane'ya's knee under the blanket, but she jerked her leg straight when I did so.

"What the fuck I say?" she warned, "watch the damn movie moose knees." I sighed.

"Look, I'm not trying to fuck and duck" I confided in Sane'ya. "I really like you, despite how mean you are to me." Sane'ya looked at me funny. "Mean?"

"Yeah" I stood on my accusation. "You're always mad hostile to me or putting me in my place when I just be tryna joke around with you."

"Everybody communicates differently" Sane'ya shrugged, "but I didn't think I was being mean. I like you Dovi, if you didn't know, you know now."

"So you've been flirting with me this whole time?" I figured, "that's just your way of flirting?"

Sane'ya shrugged, "I guess you'll have a for sure answer soon" she replied, "but I'm not gonna tell you that. You can make your own discretion."

"Okay, well can I at least get a kiss?" I questioned my new girlfriend. She nodded, but didn't lean in towards me or anything. I was left to do that job.

Sane'ya had fluffy lips, if that made sense. They were soft, plump, and had the perfect wet feeling on the inside. Her tongue and I fought, though I kind of liked it. Every time I tried to explore her mouth with my tongue, she used hers to forcefully push mine away. I don't know why she had such a barrier up if she so called "liked me," because this was weird.

"That's enough for today" Sane'ya pulled away, be patient." It was as if she could read my mind. I nodded and tried to put my arm around her so that we could go back to the movie. She hesitated at first, but eventually eased up.

Man, I thought Mila's men issues were bad, but it seems that maybe Sane'ya has some that are even worse. Either that or Mila has no shame and doesn't mind being a whore. Given that she allegedly got fucked in the ass by Darius on the same night of their, our, first date, I guess it's the latter of the two options. Mila has shitty man issues but just handles them well... but that doesn't explain Sane'ya.

I'll get to the bottom of it though.

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