𝟐.𝟐𝟎 || 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥!

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Today was Sane'ya's twenty-first birthday, so you know niggas was turning up! Shorty was so excited that she ain't sleep all night! She danced around her momma house, counting down the hours until club time. My mom gifted her with some expensive wines.

Over at citywide dick-I mean Mila's house, she was trying to read the Bible. Ever since Nicole's murder, she's felt unhinged and in need of a cleansing. She sat outside, with her lawn chair over the patch of dirt that was used to burn Nicole's remains. She practically had her weasel nose in the Bible, as the letters were mad small for whomever knows why.

"You!" Marcus came from around the corner, "momma goose told me you'd be here. Why are you reading the Bible?" Mila shrugged, "why not?"

"You think we should try therapy, babe?" Marcus asked, "you've been though a lot and-"

"And! I need to finish this page!" Mila interrupted. "Did you get Sane'ya a present?" Marcus scoffed.

"Did Dovi get shorty anything?" Marcus asked. "If he did, and it's not a pathetic bouquet of roses, then I'll make a quick trip to the pharmacy and get her chocolate." Mila shook her head and chuckled.

"Mila, Mila, Mila!" Maya ran out. She had raided Mila's closet and opened the bag that kept Mila's blood stained clothes from the night that Darrius died. "Look what I'm wearing!"

Mila's breathing picked up, "I'm gonna fucking kill you" she raged, scaring Maya. Mila had yelled at Maya before, but this was loud and her yell was kind of manly. Maya would make a joke about Mila and her daddy issues causing her to sound like Vin Diesel, but now wasn't the time. She had to run!

"Help!" Maya squealed, as Marcus held Mila back and Mila and Maya's mom came downstairs. Mila hadn't even realized she'd been brought to tears.

"Mom!" Mila sobbed, still trying to lunge but being restrained by Marcus. "Tell her to take it off, now! Please mom! You know how much those clothes mean to me, it's all I have of him!"

"Maya!" Mila's mom also raged, taking the bloody top, which was practically a dress for Maya, off. "Never, ever again in your life, touch this. Unless Mila tells you that you can. You hear me?!"

Maya made the puppy lip face, turning back to look back at Mila. "I'm sorry sissy" she said, "forgive me."

Mila smiled, now calm but still teary eyed. "Do that again" she said with a smile, "and I'll kill you."

Deep down, Marcus felt a tinge of jealousy, and he hated that he did. I mean, Darrius was dead anyways, why be jealous that Mila was so protective of keeping him around in a way or another? It's just, Marcus wanted Mila to react like that regarding him. He wanted to her to get emotionally damn near violent in regards to his name in vein.

Mikeyia, was having her own afternoon special. Word of the divorce filing had finally reached James, and he wasn't a happy bird. He luckily caught Mikeyia on her porch. And damn near threw the bitch in his car. They were going for a drive.

"This is kipnap!" Mikeyia yelled, but James scoffed. "Like you don't like this" he said, "shut up."

"Well could you at least tell us where we're going?" Mikeyia asked him, to which James nodded. "We're going to the place that we had our first date at" he confided. "Felt like we could relive a few things."

"I don't get it" Mikeyia said as we reached a red light. "You want me to leave you alone and do me. I do that, and you have a problem with it?" James didn't say anything. He did pull off to the side though.

"Mikeyia, being without you has been hard" James confided, looking at his...kinda wife? "I played it off like I was fine without you, but I wasn't. I was just too proud to say I'm sorry for everything."

"Well it's too late" Mikeyia figured, "I've already filed for divorce." James cocked an eyebrow before laughing, "now how that works, Mik. I have to sign the papers stating I agree with your filing."

"So we're still married?" Mikeyia asked, to which James nodded. "Yes ma'am" he answered.

"Oh thank God" Mikeyia said, "I seen how the dating world is eating up Mila, Sane'ya, and Krystal... well really just Mila. Point is, I don't wanna deal with it."

Speaking of Krystal, she was on her own little date, with Jacques, at a museum. In her entirety of her relationship with Jordan, Krystal never did anything fun like this. She was used to laying on her back and bringing his momma cigarettes in order to be allowed to spend the night. Jacques seemed too good to be true: he loved the finer things in life, like libraries, museums, color runs and festivals.

"We should do that clay couple vase thing" Jaques suggested to Krystal. "You know, where they hold their hands until it dries?" Krystal smiled, "I'm down, but you know, Sane'ya wants us to link soon."

"Her birthday!" Jacques said, "forgot. If we could stop by my house, I'd love to grab the gift I got her. It's an orange flower, to match her orange aura."



"This is gonna be so fucking weird" Dovi admitted, as he, Jalen and I parked nearby Sane'ya's house. "What if her alleged new nigga gets mad at me for bringing her a gift." Jalen scoffed.

"Nigga you brought her a twenty dollar gift card, and roses" Jalen said, "if her nigga gets mad at that, then he's an insecure little bitch for real." I nodded.

Before we could ever get out of the car's perimeter, big lighted beams of a car down the street cruised by. A black Mercedes Benz G-class with a red bow, parked beside us. A guy stepped out, and began walking towards the house, but all the girls, especially Sane'ya, came out running and screaming.

"It's beautiful!" she gushed, making me assume this dude was her boyfriend, because he was way too young looking to be her dad. "I love it! Thank you!"

"Aw hell nah!" Dovi shrieked, "that nigga got me beat, he can have her goddamnit." He placed the items back into the car, leaving it there.

Dovi shook his head, "no more simp shit for real" he continued. "I'm finna get drunk and nasty."

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