Bake Me Proud

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“It's kind of wild that we're up against, you know, two Angels, and we're acting like another extermination is coming!”

You ran, holding Niffty in your arms as she clung to you tightly. There was no denying that you had the opportunity to run much faster than before, so you took advantage of it as much as you could that day.

“Are you still afraid of Vox?” she asked you as you passed the prison where Husk and Angel were headed

“No, I don't think so. At least not until I meet him face to face again. I don't know how I will react.” you replied  “At this point I'm angry enough to give him hell, not be afraid of him. The only thing that worries me is that he'll somehow get to Al.”

“Why? I mean, Vox is weird because sometimes I think they parted ways because Vox fell for Alastor! Not that it's been confirmed though~” Niffty giggled “It’s my little headcanon for them.”

“If  he fell, he has to get the fuck up.” you growled in irritation “Bro can't come to terms with rejection or what?!”

“Pride is a terrible thing~” she shrugged. “There is a reason sinners are in the Pride Ring.”

“I could have guessed. The greater the pride, the greater the power?”

“A little, I guess. Which is interesting, because your power only became active today~” she giggled, squinting her huge eye teasingly “Are you proud of somethiiiiiiing?”

You frowned, considering her words. You had never thought of yourself as a proud person, but now her words came to you, suddenly making it clear that not only were you proud in death, but you were proud before it too, and very damned proud. Where did this come from?
When you were a child, you thought you couldn't have anything to be proud of, damn it, but you tried to survive, not to be proud of anything! I mean, it's hard to find anything to do with it when you've been hiding rather than showing, and then it hit you how proud you were of having a magic bar of chocolate.  Then it just developed as you started hiding new things, like the radio or other things. And then, you ran away and then you started living alone… The only thing you weren't proud of was that you didn't do what you wanted to do when you were alive, which was opening a store, but now after you die? Damn, you honestly think you're one of the best pastry chefs, it's not without reason that you had so many loyal customers! And then you found a lot of wonderful friends and a boyfriend…

Fuck, Lilith had no chance with you even if she was the queen, and you were going to show her that in depth.

“You know what, Niff?” you stopped your thoughts, feeling your fierceness grow “Maybe the curse wasn't the only reason I came here.”

Niffty flashed you a wide smile and you returned it, smirking.

You were supposed to have a small meeting with the Queen, the second one that day~


“Can you let me go? I don't have time for your games, I have to check what's going on-”

“Your woman will skin me if I do this, so I prefer to stay here, thank you very much!” Lucifer growled, pacing the room in annoyance “Besides, you've got this metal angel shit around your neck. What will you do with it?”

“You were the Angel, can't you do anything about it?” Alastor snorted contemptuously, squirming slightly as the chains Lucifer wrapped around him prevented him from moving most of the time. “You can't lock me up here.”

“I can, as king I can give you orders and you have to listen to me.” Lucifer gave him a wide smile as he leaned towards Alastor, glad he had the advantage in height at that moment, even if it was because the deer was sitting on the floor tied up “So you better listen to me because I'm more gentle with you than Lilith could ever be.”

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