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You were standing in front of the Palace, stressed as hell, but you knew you didn't have time to put it off until later, so you just took a deep breath and ran up the stairs.

You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer, but when you didn't hear anything, you decided to take a risk and check if it was open. It was surprising, so you pulled the handle and slipped inside, closing the door behind you. You called "hello?" to let whoever is home know, but you haven't received any response. You frowned and looked around the room you were in. The corridor itself was huge and you felt like you had entered a museum. There were pictures in sparkling frames everywhere on the walls, and if you looked closely you could see the entire Morningstar family pictured in them. You glanced at the one that was the lowest and you saw three people, a small child, a girl held by her parents. You could immediately tell that it was little Charlie by her white face and adorable red cheeks. Even as a child she looked like a little, well, angel. Which might not be the best way to describe the daughter of Lucifer himself, but her charming appearance prevented you from making any other comparisons. The second person in the painting was a tall woman with long blonde hair, which you immediately envied, and a face as beautiful as her daughter's. You thought you should live in a circle of envy because you desperately wanted to look like her. The third person you saw was a short man with a face almost identical to Charlie's, but definitely more tired. You saw the purple bags under his eyes and immediately thought that life as a king must be a nightmare.

You sighed, at least now having a vision of what the guy you were looking for looked like. Unfortunately, it didn't help much because you felt that a day would pass before you would get through the entire house. However, you didn't have much choice, so you moved forward blindly, trying to knock on every door, hoping that maybe you would find him there, or at least some servants. The royal family has always had servants in the movies, right?

Unfortunately, you didn't notice anyone, which was starting to irritate and worry you a bit. You should have been happy that I wasn't caught breaking into the king's house, but fuck, if you didn't want to get caught now, it would be best to be caught by the king himself. Of course, fuck your luck, because it didn't look like it was going to happen! So you decided to abandon all boundaries and attempts at being polite and screamed as loud as you could:

"Is anyone here? I'm looking for Lucifer Morningstar!" You knew that if you were forced to repeat it more than once, you would lose your vocal cords

Fortunately, it seemed that it wouldn't be necessary, because from further down the corridor you heard some rustling and a crashing sound, and you ran in that direction. Before you could get to where you heard the sound, a short man dressed in white with a rather funny looking large hat rushed out from behind the door. Unfortunately, he seemed as surprised by you as you were by him, and fell flat on his face in front of you, tripping over the threshold. For a split second you stood in shock at what had happened so quickly, but once you composed yourself, you rushed to help pick him up. You reached the man, knelt down next to him and touched his shoulder, completely forgetting that literally in front of you lay the king of Hell.

"Is everything okay? Sweet Satan, I'm so sorry!" you said as he rose to lean on his arms and sat down, kneeling just like you

"Yes! It is wonderful? I think!" he said, grabbing his hat and putting it back on his head

Embarrassed, you suddenly stood up quickly and reached out your hand to help him up. But then there was another moment of embarrassment as you stood there with your hand outstretched and he was still sitting in front of you, looking at you like you were doing the strangest thing in the world.

"Don't you want to get up? Sir?" You said, hoping you weren't fooling around in front of him

But the question seemed to make the dots connect in his mind and he nodded so vigorously that his hat fell into his eyes and before he grabbed your hand he fixed it on his head. You pulled him to his feet, feeling a little anxious, realizing that you could probably lift him far too easily, but you ignored it for now.

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