Bubble Bath

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The situation was tense.

So yes, there was less than half a month left until Sinsmas, which also meant that everyone in the hotel was rushing to buy gifts. Unfortunately, however, no one wanted to let anyone else do this, so everyone was spied on, watched and observed by everyone else. Of course, you joined in by following the others, especially Angel and Husk and Alastor. So whenever anyone wanted to go somewhere, for example to the toilet, someone always followed them to check if they were lying. It sounds funny, but after a few days of this everyone started getting paranoid and hiding wherever they could. Once you even found a pillow fort made of eggs and when you wanted to look inside you were too tired to give the password. Unfortunately, you didn't know what it was, so you didn't have the opportunity to see the inside of said building. Even as you sat in the living room afterwards, every now and then you could feel the eyes of the EggBois on you, standing guard outside the fort to make sure no one was approaching.

Another example was when Angel tried to leave the hotel saying he was going to the bathroom for a moment. However, it was not that easy, because Niffty followed him, hiding, and as soon as she saw that Angel was taking his jacket from the hanger, she shouted for the rest of the people in the hotel. So the spider was captured by Charlie, Niffty and you and then interrogated, explaining that he was just leaving for a moment to meet a friend. His assurances didn't work and a moment later he was brought to the couch where he was sitting.

"Soo... How are you and Smiles getting along?"

"Great? What kind of suspicious question is this, what's the catch?" You raised an eyebrow

"Eh, just asking. I was wondering if I should prepare to be an uncle."

"Angel, I'm sure sinners can't have children." You snorted "What kind of topic is this anyway?"

"Sorry toots, you've gained a few pounds lately so I assumed-"

"Are you saying I'm fat?" You laughed and threw foam at him

"No, no, I mean, I'm sure some guys like it when a woman has more flesh. More body to love-"

"MORE FLESH?" you started laughing loudly at his choice of words, which earned you a lot of foam thrown at you

"It wasn't supposed to sound like that, but since your guy is a cannibal, it actually fits." he shrugged as if it was obvious

"I'm not dinner. And think twice about what you want to say, or I will drown you." you threatened him as he opened his mouth

Well, it was a very random situation you found yourself in. It was cold as hell and Angel was running around the hotel looking for any source of warmth because he said it was seven hundred degrees below zero, which wasn't true but you agreed it was cold. You had already seen him that day with a cup of tea that was more like boiling water than a drink, a hot water bottle that he carried with him all the time, and a leg warmer. You were only sitting in a skirt and a sweater, and you weren't freezing, but as you can see, your spider friend wasn't a fan of winter. Then he joined you while you were lying on the couch, and a few minutes later he was cuddled up to you like you were a radiator.

Then you suggested that he should take a hot bath to warm up.

No, you didn't know how exactly you ended up in the same bathtub with him, with too much foam, but you blessed Charlie for giving a huge bathtub to the hotel. Angel decided that you definitely needed to test out all the bubble baths in the hotel, so you ended up in a huge scented mixture and were surprised that you didn't get a headache. And looking at the number of eyes on the spider, you hoped that the liquid wouldn't fall into any of them. However, there was no denying that the hot water warmed both you and him and relaxed you, so you leaned on opposite sides of the bathtub, the water reaching up to your collarbones and to the bottom of his chest.

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