A Day Off

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Alastor was lying on the bed, on his back, with his hands folded on his stomach, staring at the ceiling with a stupid wide smile on his face.

He woke up in a great mood, and this was only reinforced when he remembered what he had done yesterday and lifted his head from his woman's chest to see the marks. Last night, Alastor admired her after she came back from the bathroom, changed into her nightgown, and enjoyed the sight of her marked skin, leaving kisses on her forehead every now and then. But now that he thought about it, he came to the conclusion that it wasn't the fact that, well, he had marked his territory that pleased him the most, but that he had sincere permission to do so. The quality of the thought that he had permission from her, trusted him enough to bite her, was shocking and did something strange to his dead old heart.

When he woke up in the morning, he spent a lot of time just admiring her as she slept. But then he remembered that his beloved had actually agreed to stay home that day so he didn't have to go anywhere at all, so he lay back down, cuddling her soft body against his.
Alastor had been trying to convince her to take a week off last night, and she finally agreed to take one day, which he thought was a win anyway. Was it because he was concerned for her well-being outside the hotel, or did he just not like the idea of being apart for half the day? It's hard to tell. Maybe it was a mix of both!

To be completely honest, Alastor wasn't too surprised by how clingy he had become, or rather how clingy he was showing around her. He was always like this, but only to people he trusted, so maybe two people in the world knew about it! Contrary to everyone's belief, he really liked hugs and all that stupid stuff like holding hands and kisses, although he had to have the perfect person for him. That's why he was very happy that his beloved doe shared his feelings! Well, that's one of the reasons, of course, but daily doses of this kind of love through touch definitely brightened his day. Alastor was more amazed at how quickly he trusted her, it had been less than half a year, he thought. It even took him longer to trust Rosie, although in this case he had a different situation because he was almost kidnapped by her and taken to Cannibal Town. Not in a bad sense! It's just that when he showed up in hell and didn't even know what to do because, well, death was extremely sudden, Rosie appeared out of nowhere and decided that she just had to introduce the "cute fawn" to others. How much he owed her was beyond the imagination of everyone who knew about their friendship, which made him personally happy.
On the other hand, now that he thought about it, he also got into this relationship with Sweet Pie because she started showing interest in him. Not romantic of course, more like preparing to fight an enemy, which Alastor honestly admired. Then it turned out that they somehow came to an agreement and then ended up here. Alastor thought it sounded pretty ridiculous when it was summed up.

Well, no more ridiculous than everything that happened in this hotel.

“Aren't you going to work?” Sweet Pie stood in the doorway in her nightgown and robe, and Alastor raised himself on his elbow to look at her. “You're getting lazy.”

“Is it bad that I want to spend the whole day with my beloved?” he held out his arms to her, urging her to come closer

She walked over with a sigh, resting her hands on his head and stood between his legs as he nuzzled into her stomach and chest “The difference is that Adam is replacing me today and there is no one to replace you.”

“Baby, no one can compare to my skills, I thought you knew that.” he raised an eyebrow at her, breaking away from her body for a moment

“So you're saying that me and Adam have the same skills?” she snorted, pretending to be offended

“Well, I can say he's as good at sales as you are, but you'll always be the one and only best pastry chef in hell!” he explained and put his hands under her dressing gown and embraced her  “Besides, if I benefit from it, why should I complain?”

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