No place like home

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Today was the day you and Alastor were scheduled to go out to look at one of the houses that looked the best on offer. After many difficult conversations about what your dream home should be like, we came to the conclusion that your tastes are too different and you will simply look for something that will be comfortable for you. Which was difficult anyway, but you decided to look for something small with one bedroom, bathroom, living room with kitchen and hall. Alastor also firmly decreed that this bathroom must fit a large bathtub.

Another condition you adhered to during your search was that the house definitely couldn't have been occupied by anyone before. That is, he ordered it and you agreed because it didn't make any difference to you. You had no idea what exactly it was that made him make it a rule, but when you thought about it, the idea of a house where you would be the first residents sounded nice.

Unfortunately, these rules meant that you had to reject half of the houses that caught your eye earlier. And after more rejections, this time by Alastor himself because the buildings were too modern, you found one that you thought was worth checking out. Not that you went through all the offers. This selection was from the first 30 pages because you were exhausted from looking through so much of the same thing.
And Alastor was starting to get bored, too.

You and he woke up at almost the same time this morning, which was good because you didn't necessarily want Alastor's other strange ways of waking you up. The longer Alastor was at home without any distractions, the worse he became, which wasn't surprising, but it could be irritating. That is, you liked his jokes and his general teasing too, but waking up at seven in the morning thanks to cold water being poured on you wasn't a great start to the day. So a while ago you started setting your alarm to earlier hour, so he wouldn't have time to come to the conclusion that he needed to take steps to wake you up.

You swear that after one of those wake-ups, you came to the conclusion that you would personally strangle the person who had him on a leash, because if it weren't for them, Alastor would go to work normally instead of tormenting you every morning. Then it dawned on you what a ridiculous thought it was, but once thought couldn't be undone.

Once you arrived at the building at the appointed time, you were greeted by a short demon in what was probably supposed to be an elegant suit, but looked rather cheap, like a knock-off of some well-known brand. Not necessarily surprising, considering the house they were selling was a small cottage, not a rich man's palace.
The second thing was that the mere sight of Alastor made them tremble in fear, which effectively made you decide that you were willing to take control of the entire situation. Especially when you noticed that this fear only made your deer's smile widen.

“See, honey? I told you this house is wonderful! Quite perfect!” Alastor spoke as you looked at the building from the outside

“You said it and I immediately thought it was suspicious.” you muttered, although you couldn't put your finger on what was strange about this house

“Suspicious? I don't understand why you think so!” he chuckled and you looked at him, raising an eyebrow “Hmm?”

“Nevermind, can we go inside?” you headed towards the salesman who was standing next to you two awkwardly

“Yes! Yes, of course!” he perked up and opened the door, allowing you to enter first and then Alastor, although you figured he would have pushed in anyway in front of the poor demon.

When you walked in, the first thing you saw, or maybe what you didn't see, was, well, everything. The rooms inside were dark because light barely penetrated through the windows. You immediately shot an irritated look at Alastor, even though you were sure he didn't see you.

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