Not only bombs explode

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"Darling, is everything fine?"

You should be the one asking him about it, but not this time. Alastor asked you this question as you rubbed the ointment into his back, trying not to cause him any more pain than he already felt, which was hard as hell, but you tried. Alastor lay on his stomach, still with the compress under him to cool his side, and you tended to his back. He said that Niffty had already taken care of his wounds roughly, but you wanted to wash them just in case before you moved on.
You had some ointment left over from having to clean yourself up after being kidnapped, so you used it on him. You were too busy and focused to even talk to him at that moment, and he didn't seem entirely willing to do so either. But once you had calmed down, sitting next to his hips, he asked you that question.

"I guess I should ask you, Al." you said with a sigh, placing your hand on his lower back

"I know, but I mean, well, you looked extremely angry." he said and tilted his head slightly, looking at you from the corner of his eye "I admit it's a little worrying, my dear."

"What? You are afraid of me?" you joked, smiling slightly

Alastor smiled back in amusement, seeing that you were no longer furious. "I'm just curious about the reason for your anger. Although I must admit, you're pretty intimidating when you're mad." he added with a chuckle

You rolled your eyes. "I was just irritated by everyone's attitude. I don't like hypocrisy." you murmured, running your fingers along his back so as not to touch the bruises and cuts

"Can you elaborate?"

"They just, you know, say that here everyone is equal, everyone loves everyone, and all that shit." you muttered irritably "And then when someone disappears, everyone doesn't give a damn."

He looked in surprise, still over his shoulder. "Oh, are you talking about no one reacting?" to your surprise he laughed "All right, it's nothing new. Don't get me wrong, honey, I'm not thrilled about it either. But it's not like it's surprising, I wouldn't expect anyone but you to care."

"Adam was worried too." you pulled back your hair

"He was there because he's worried about you." Alastor continued "I don't count it."

"I don't know, I think he's worried about you too, you know? I know he has the same opinion as me about the hypocrisy here." you muttered with a sigh and lay down on your stomach next to him "Irritating."

"You shouldn't worry about it." he could now look at you face to face "I appreciate you remembering me though. It's always nice to know someone is worried." he grimaced "It didn't sound the way I wanted it to."

You smiled "I get what you mean." you slipped your hand into his "Just, you know..."

"I know."

"What exactly did you mean when you said it was nothing new?" you asked as the sentence sunk in

"Hmm?" he seemed to get a little distracted, but he came back to you quickly "Oh! Well, since you already know that I disappeared for seven years, I can tell you that no one even noticed. Well, apart from the Vees who celebrated it, but not about that now..."

"Are you kidding?" you raised your voice uncontrollably and Alastor smiled in amusement "No, seriously Al. This is fucked up."

"I think you're forgetting who you're a couple with." he chuckled

"Look, let's face it, everyone here has killed someone, probably more than once. Everyone did strange things, maybe some still do, and the rest still treat them normally! I know you're not like, the friendliest soul and all, but it's a bit much."

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