Goodbye, Mimzy...

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Alastor took care of his dear friend until she fell asleep in her bed.

Well, when Sweet Pie showed up at the hotel earlier, he was almost upset that the routine had been interrupted again, but it was hard for him to be angry about seeing her earlier. Unfortunately, his anger returned as soon as he glanced at her, as he wanted to playfully reprimand her for not telling him that she planned to return earlier that day. He wasn't mad at her though, of course not. How could he be angry at such a wonderful woman? Of course, he asked her all kinds of questions about it: who, where, how and why brought tears to doe-se beautiful eyes? Unfortunately, she didn't give him an answer at first, so he left these questions for later to deal with her first as she deserved.

Unfortunately, she didn't even seem to want to eat his dishes that day, and Alastor was initially offended by her lack of appreciation for his cooking, but then noticed how she was trying to force herself to eat. So his feelings turned into worry, and anger and wrath rose violently inside him, although he tried not to show it outside. After all, what kind of friend would he be if he added more fire to the stove when he saw the sadness on his dear doe's face? Then he bombarded her with questions again, trying not to scare her, even though he was boiling inside to find out who was the reason for the tears on her face. And then his curiosity and need were satisfied when he learned about Mimzy's visit to his friend's pastry shop.

He didn't need to know anything more, knowing Mimza's exact opinion of his new doe friend, but he definitely felt that he had to pay her a visit, preferably that night. Apparently the last conversation he had with her wasn't enough. But before that, he had to take care of more important things, such as improving Sweet Pie's mood, so he put his thoughts aside and went with her to her room, because she insisted that she didn't want to spend time with someone else than him that day. So how could he not agree?

Before she fell asleep, she asked him if he could sleep in the bed with her, like they had done in the nest before. However, he refused this request, scolding himself for even considering it for a moment. Sleeping together, well, taking a nap all night in nest was a lot different than sharing a bed. Also when they were in the living room, they still slept in the clothes they had been wearing all day without having to change into their night clothes, and sleeping there meant it wasn't as intimate as if they were together in her or his room. Even the thought itself sounded wrong, making Alastor want to rip the skin off himself that yearned for the desire to touch Sweet Pie, even ignoring the fact that it sounded inappropriate. After the first time they fell asleep together, he had a huge headache and spent too much time in the shower at home, trying to wash away the smell of cotton candy and cakes that lingered on his skin. Unfortunately or fortunately, after a while of doing this, he began to realize that it didn't bother him at all, and that the need to wash it off was a habit he had developed after the feeling of being touched by anyone. However, this only made him more confused, and he spent the next few minutes sitting, staring at the wall as far too many thoughts about this one woman ran through his head.

Alastor began to think that because of how much time he spent with her, his clothes began to be saturated with her scent, which made him wash them more often than before, and Rosie was starting to get suspicious. Rosie had this uncanny but inconvenient gift for him of finding the perfect way to find out what she wanted, and somehow it wasn't long before they were sitting together drinking coffee while he told her about nap. Unfortunately, he unknowingly worded the sentence incorrectly, causing Rosie to choke on her coffee and he had to help her as she coughed with watery eyes before he even realized what he had said. He spent the next few minutes explaining that sleeping with her meant falling asleep on the pillow in the living room, not whatever she had in mind. Anyway, somewhere from that moment on, Rosie decided that she would match him, even though he strongly told her to abandon the idea because he felt like a boy being given away by his parents for marriage.

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