She could fix him...?

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Adam could tell that he was just getting a break as a reward from all the hard work and shit that was going on in that idiotic hotel. He could also say that he didn't like the idea of ​​spending time there at all, he didn't care at all about what was going on between Sweet Pie and Bambi, and he wasn't at all looking forward to the meeting he was going to. Well, there was one truth in it, but he didn't want to specify which one, so you'll have to figure it out for yourself.

It turned out that somehow Alastor, that red idiot, managed to befriend a really nice woman, which was rather surprising, but as he said, opposites attract. Maybe that's why Smiles and Sweet Pie got along, because there was no other rational explanation for this phenomenon. Adam could say that such a strong, resourceful woman would prefer to choose someone at her level, but instead she found this probably confused, unstable serial killer. He wasn't a fan of Alastor in general, it's true, mainly because of his selfishness and egoism, but unfortunately he had to admit that he was right when Sweet Pie admitted that he wasn't much different from him at all.

By the way, what was the nickname "Sweet Pie"? Who came up with this, because it sounded like the idea of ​​the Radio Demon. Adam said he prefers not to think about it, because the only thing he associates with it is that the deer would want to eat her, since he gives her nicknames related to food. Adam especially didn't want to think about it because he didn't know how he could possibly eat her, and both visions were also scary when he thought about it in the context of Bambi taking part in it. So Adam dismissed these thoughts, which wasn't particularly difficult because he always had a short attention span.

Then he remembered that he had no idea what Rosie even looked like, but he assumed she must be some sort of female version of Alastor, because he doubted the demonic deer would want to be close to someone like that one pimp he saw once, Asmodeus, or even a group of imps that passed under his nose once. On the other hand, that bitch he was friends with was quite modern... Uh, well, he arranged to meet her with a countdown clock to extermination, which may not have been the best idea, but it was the easiest to find. So, getting close and earning a few insults from the demons, which he responded to with his middle finger, Adam stood and tried to spot anyone whose look was screaming "I'm friends with Radio Demon!". Unfortunately, as it turned out, it wasn't easy, because hell was full of all kinds of demons and Adam thought that the Angels in heaven had too ordinary designs. Damn, he literally saw the most colorful furries he could imagine! Not that he was into this sort of thing, but that didn't mean he didn't keep an eye on them for a while. Maybe someone at the above will shake their head and think that Angels have boring clothes and open some new stores, who knows? Adam hoped that this would happen before he returned to heaven, and if not, he would open such a store himself. It's true that he didn't like the whole walking half naked thing, but maybe that was because he wasn't used to it. On the other hand, no matter how he looked, going completely naked used to be no problem for him. Well, times are changing.

Adam pulled out his phone and texted Cannibalistic Cool Lady.

Original Dick Master:

*Where are you? I don't even know who to look for

Cannibalistic Cool Lady:

*Give me a moment, I'll find you faster. You may be looking for a large hat!"

Adam frowned and put his phone down, searching for said hat. Is it that tall and idiotic hat like the one Lucifer wore? Adam was sure that the only reason for wearing this stupid accessory was his inferiority complex. Well, Adam couldn't relate.

Only after a while, he noticed in the crowd a tall, pretty woman with a hat with skulls and large feathers, or whatever it was. Adam wasn't sure if it was Rosie, but after a while he noticed the said woman heading towards him. Well, he couldn't complain, not only was she smart, but she was pretty too.

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