Hit the Wall

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You were drinking tea in the living room, waiting for Alastor to return, who said he had something to take care of privately. You didn't really understand what he meant, because you thought he wouldn't tell you much anyway, and you came to the conclusion that you shouldn't keep asking him questions. It wasn't that you didn't want to know, you just had a feeling that after a while he would start to think that you were dragging him out for interrogations about literally everything.  You were probably paranoid because I didn't think other people in relationships questioned each other like that. That is, you should show trust! And what you were doing didn't sound like a high level of trust in your partner at all, did it?

Maybe it's just idiotic, but it's not like you felt this anxiety whenever he wasn't there. You were rather calm about what was happening to him, unless he disappeared without a word and you knew that something disturbing had happened earlier. But this time nothing happened, you had a nice day together, but he disappeared and you felt insecure. That's, it was Alastor, right? You can expect everything from him.
On the other hand, he knew you were rather paranoid (which worked both ways), so he usually told you everything. It was a bit suspicious, but…

“Hello, babe.”

You looked up, seeing Adam in front of you and you brightened up a little. You hadn't talked to him that much lately because he used to stay in his room alone or go somewhere without saying a word, so you were glad that he suddenly appeared next to you.

“Adam!” you called out, smiling “Hey, good to see you.”

“Same to you.” he sat down next to you, stretching out on the couch and taking up most of it. Which wasn't anything new because he was twice your size. “What's on your mind?”

“Too much worry.” You laughed lightly “I, uh, Can I ask why you've been avoiding me lately?” you decided not to beat around the bush and ask straight out

“Uhhh…” he looked away “I just had somethin’ to do…”

“And it had something to do with me?” you tilted your head

“I honestly don't know what to tell ya. Yes, it had.” he grimaced and crossed his arms “Not in a negative way.”

“Can we talk about it?”

“Now?” a look of surprise appeared on his face “Uhh, well… I’m not prepared and-”

“If you start preparing, it won't be sincere.” you were a little disappointed

“Fine…” he looked around to see if you were alone and you raised an eyebrow “Okay, this will sound…fuckin’ crazy, okay? But I really want a better fuckin' time for it than now. I mean, I'll tell you uh, tomorrow, what do you say? I promise!” he chattered nervously “A scout's word!”

“You weren't a Scout.” you lifted the corner of your mouth “But okay. But you have to tell me everything tomorrow.” you jabbed your finger at his chest

“Yeah, yeah. I will.” he saluted “Now tell me what's bothering you.” now he's the one who jabbed his finger at you

“Alastor.” you shrugged

“Ah, what did Bambi do again? Should I go huntin’?” he narrowed his eyes in mock anger

“No, but he said he had to do something and disappeared.” you sighed “I don't know if I'm exaggerating…”

“Long gone?”

“Hour?” you glanced at the clock on your phone “Maybe more.”

“Any ideas where he could be?”

“He said he was going to the room, but I checked there earlier and it was empty.” you placed the cup on the coffee table “Maybe… dunno…

“Look, your guy disappeared, so I think you have every right to be fuckin' worried.” he muttered, stretching his arm behind you on the backrest  “At least that's what I think. But I'm always right, so…”

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