Shattered Screens

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It was six in the morning and Alastor was already at the TV station. Well, maybe not entirely, because his shadows were roaming around inside, looking for Vox, and he was moving around the room, observing everything his shadow minions saw. True, there wasn't much going on and he had to admit that Vox's work was damn boring, but he didn't care at the moment. He also let them search the entire building but there was no sign of his wife anywhere, ever, which sent a shiver down his spine even more.
Husk and Adam were tasked with keeping an eye on Velvette, who was now locked away in Alastor's old radio station. Well, yes, they tied her up pretty tight, and Alastor asked Husk to keep an eye on Adam so he wouldn't kill her yet.

As soon as it hit seven o'clock and the broadcast began live on TV, Alastor froze as he watched Vox. There didn't seem to be anything wrong, in fact Vox looked as usual, in a blue suit, behind a desk and with a piece of paper in his hand. Alastor squinted at the scene from a bird's eye view as his shadow sat on the ceiling.
Vox told normal news as if a huge number of demons weren't looking for the pastry chef. He completely avoided the topic until he put down the paper and started talking completely from memory.

“It so happens that we have heard that the wonderful pastry chef of hell known as Sweet Pie and beloved of the Radio Demon has disappeared from the face of hell! Whoever saw, whoever knows!” Vox chuckled and it took all of Alastor's willpower to keep from teleporting right in front of his face “We don't know anything about it, but since she has been missing for several days, we can safely assume that she is definitely dead! What a pity! Let's celebrate her pass-”

Alastor gave in to the need to murder Vox with his bare hands.

He teleported right in front of Vox's face, but he didn't look surprised, and Alastor thought it was time for him to pay back all the mockery towards him and his wife, and what he had done to her.

“Well well well, who do we have here?” Vox chuckled behind the desk “First time on TV, Alastor?”

“Well, then be happy that so many people will see me end your fucking life live!” black tentacles shot out from behind him as he rose into the air with huge antlers


Your brain was a little calmer and cooler, if you could call it that, because it seemed like Vox had been busy for a long time. You tried to sleep a little, even though everything was spinning in your head and your body was exhausted and dehydrated. You fell asleep a few times, but the knocks from the ceiling kept waking you up, but you still felt like you had won.

The third time you fell asleep, unfortunately, the door opened and you groaned angrily that someone had to wake you up from your blissful sleep state. You looked up, wondering what the hell was waiting for you this time, because for some reason, there was no sound of Alastor's voice. Well, you didn't see Vox, but two figures this time, also in red suits, and you squinted.

“The fuck?” you muttered to yourself, your vision blurry but you could see them getting closer to you

“I told you it was an idiotic idea!” a woman's voice sighed angrily

“I know, but if that's what he wanted, let's proceed as planned!” the man muttered with a shrug

“Do you want him to fuck you that much?” she snorted


“What?” you asked confused, not so worried because you didn't hear Vox's voice, but you still didn't like it.

“We came to visit you.” The man waved his arm dramatically and only then did you realize that he had another set of arms

Oh shit, Valentino.

Sugar and SinnamonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ