I've always chasing rainb- uh, wait

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So you were in the forest.

During the night, you and Alastor were woken up by Angel, who apparently decided to go down for a glass of water and caught you sleeping, which of course resulted in him shouting to the entire hotel, "WHY DO YOU DO THIS IN THE LIVING ROOM?? IT IS A LIVING ROOM NOT LOVING ROOM!"

"Shut up." Alastor's head turns back as he lays on top of you

"Why the fuck are you screaming?" you groaned at the sudden loud sound

"WHO IS ATTACKING US?" Sir Pentious's voice came to you and he rushed into the room, ready to defend


"What is going on?" Charlie and Vaggie joined the chaos in the living room and you groaned louder, covering yourself with a pillow.

"THEY ARE ABLE TO DO THIS IN THE LIVING ROOM? REALLY?" Angel shouted, pointing at you as if you had committed the greatest sin of humanity

"I hate you for putting this image in my head." Vaggie covered her face

"WE WERE JUST SLEEPING." you scream over the terrified spider. Alastor looks like he doesn't know what's going on.

"What the fuck is that noise?" Husk peeked out from behind the doorframe, looking like he'd barely rolled out of bed

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, CUNTS, I AM TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" another voice rang out, this time from above, and you assumed Adam hadn't even bothered to come down

"WE ALL ARE, WELCOME TO THE CLUB ADAM!" you shouted, looking at the ceiling

"I'd love to be involved in this too!" Niffty spoke up as she ran down the stairs

Well, yeah, then they all stayed in the living room and slept there just like you and Al.

In the morning you got up earlier than usual on Saturday to get ready for the walk. Your main preparation consisted of putting the sweets in the cupboard, locking the room and giving the key to Adam, and warning him that under no circumstances should he let Niffty enter there. Well, not that you cared about sweets, more that you didn't want the little cyclops to start crawling on the walls. That's why Adam got the keys, because you guessed that when you came back there wouldn't be any of your supplies, but at least he would eat them and not her. You then dragged Alastor out of the Hotel, earning a pointed look from your former Angel and surreptitiously giving him the middle finger.

The Radio Demon, however, seemed to know very well where he was leading you, so you followed him with curiosity. The only thing was that a few people gave you strange looks as you walked, and you didn't mean the scared ones that your deer friend usually gave others. You were still a little intrigued that people so unanimously avoided him, but apparently the fact that you had never seen his slaughter in real life meant that you weren't as terrified of him when you thought about it. Or maybe you just became callous, or were you really naive as hell? Or maybe both. Anyway, you've been thinking a lot about Alastor lately, especially that scary murderous side that you haven't had a chance to see in action yet. Not that you necessarily needed it, what you heard from others was enough to imagine the evil and suffering he caused, but fuck you if you didn't question it all. It means, yes, you've heard about the fact that you're hanging out with, well, the worst and most cruel Overlord, and maybe even a demon in Hell. You also realized that deer's manipulation skills were so high that he could trick you constantly and you didn't even know about it, and everything between you was a joke. On the other hand, maybe you really knew it was insincere, but you told yourself this convenient lie because you needed someone close to you? Sometimes you would come to this conclusion and then Alastor would show up and an uncontrollable smile would spread across your face and you would forget about your worries from the moment before. Satan, you really were stupid.

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