Adam Fakes Sick

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Requested by Ram_3500.
Adam woke up early, before Sam and Dean, to execute his plan. They were supposed to leave this weekend, but if he magically got sick they'd have to stay. So he slipped into the bathroom, snagged the ipecac syrup, grabbed a washcloth and wet it down, until it was warm. Then he wet himself down, to synthesize clammy and feverish skin.

Then he put the ipecac syrup in his pocket for later, so that he had it, in case he needed a more encouraging gagging and vomiting effect. Usually Sam and Dean believed him when he said he felt sick. But one could never be too careful. He made sure to re-wet the washcloth, and really get his face and neck good, so that both his brothers would be able to tell he had a fever.

He cleaned up his mess, and walked back out to his bed and lay down carefully, wrapping his blanket tightly, like he had been shivering for a while.

About ten minutes later, Dean and Sam's alarm went off, waking both of them up and signaling Adam to groan pathetically.

Dean looked over at the youngest Winchester in surprise, "Adam? You okay?" he asked gruffly, his voice rough with sleep.

Adam whimpered, curling in on himself. "No, I don't feel good." he said in a small voice, trying to sound as pathetic as possible.

Dean got up, stretched quickly, and walked over to Adam's bed, immediately noticing the clammy skin and flushed cheeks. He touched the teen's forehead and sighed softly in concern, before looking at Sam and nodding.

"He's clammy and feverish." he said, looking down at the teen in sympathy. "Any other symptoms?" he asked.

"Feel like I'm gonna puke, my head hurts, and I'm exhausted." Adam listed off in a tired, melancholy voice.

Dean shook his head, before taking a breath and commenting. "I'm sorry you feel so crappy already, that's no fun." he said simply. 

Adam just groaned in response, before Sam walked over and started rubbing the teen's back, causing him to shiver and keep shivering.

"Are you cold?" Sam asked in concern, not liking how much the younger man was shivering.

Adam nodded pathetically, before snuggling deeper into the comforter that was covering him.

Sam moved to walked away, when Adam snaked an arm out and grabbed his older brother's arm. He looked down at the teen in surprise, wondering what he was up to.

"Please don't go." Adam pleaded, trying to come across needy, like he was when he was sick.

Sam smiled gently down at Adam, before sitting down gingerly beside him. "I'm gonna get you some meds, you rest." he said.

"Where's Dean?" Adam asked with a pout, as he curled in on himself, making a mental note to make a dash for the bathroom asap.

"He's on a food run." Sam said gently. as he got up and walked into the kitchen, his back to Adam.

Adam got up and stumbled to the bathroom, waving off Sam, when he started towards the bathroom too. "Just gotta pee." he lied, as he closed the door, pulled the ipecac out, took the proper dosage, and put the bottle away like he had found it.

He flushed the toilet and stumbled back to bed, curling up in his blankets, and waited for the ipecac to take effect. He laid there for about fifteen minutes, before his stomach started cramping, and he started whimpering.

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