Sick Wuss Gabriel?

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This was requested by SPNandHomestuckTrash. Enjoy!

Sam and Gabriel had been dating for months, much to Dean's annoyance. Which is why, the older hunter had jumped at a chance to hunt alone. Leaving Sam and Gabriel alone for a week.

Sam walked into the bunker, his arms laden with food and sweets. He noticed immediately that Dean was gone and Gabriel was too quiet. It is said, quietness is the hint of trouble, for children, dogs, and Tricksters alike.

"Gabriel?" he called loudly, putting everything in his arms on one of the many tables. He received no answer, which replaced his unease with worry. "Honey?" he called again.

He looked through a few rooms, still finding no sign of his playful boyfriend. He walked past their bedroom, noticing a human sized lamp on the bed.

"Honey?" he asked softly, admittedly relieved, but now more worried since this wasn't a common look for his lover.

Gabriel rolled over, giving Sam a full on sorrowful look.

"I don't feel good at all." he admitted, a soft whimper escaping his lips unbidden.

"Oh no, what's not feeling good?" Sam asked, trying not to smile when Gabriel made a cute whimper sound.

"My stomach hates me, it's not a diarrhea kind of stomach ache. It's a I'm going to throw up type of stomach ache." Gabriel explained, flinching as his stomach churned angrily just at the mention of throwing up.

Sam nodded in understanding, before walking over and grabbing a trash can, which he brought back to his boyfriend.

"If you're going to puke." he said calmly. He climbed into bed beside Gabriel. rubbing his back lightly.

Gabriel swallowed hard, wishing he had some way he could get rid of this bug quicker and not  have to suffer through it. He shivered, leaning back into Sam, as soft hiccups set in, shaking the trickster to his core.

"Breathe, honey, just breathe through them." Sam instructed, feeling each hiccup as they happened. He could tell they were getting more aggressive.

Gabriel gasped softly, panting between hiccups. With each hiccup, more saliva pooled in his mouth. He grabbed for the trashcan frantically, put it in between his legs, and hang his head over it. He spit the extra Saliva into the can, whimpering softly as his stomach flipped over and over.

"Just let it happen, you'll feel better." Sam said calmly. He moved closer to Gabriel, causing the trickster to whimper loudly as the bed shifted under them. "What's wrong?" he asked in concern.

"Stop moving the bed." Gabriel ground out weakly. He wrapped his left arm around his stomach tightly, gagging hard at the sudden pressure. He kept his arm tight, not realizing he was going to make himself sick.

Sam jumped at the sudden gag that emanated from his very sick and cute boyfriend.
Gabriel whined softly, as another gag escaped his lips. He leaned forward over the trash can, as watered down food shot from his lips, causing him to cough at the bitter taste that hit his tastebuds. He spit quickly, desperately trying to prevent the inevitable, as he was hit by an intense wave of nausea. He gagged hard and more watered down food joined the first batch.

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