Witch Drunk?

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This was requested by Ram_3500. I'm so sorry it took so long, I had some serious writer's block. Please enjoy!
The witch blew dust from her hands into the air, laughing as the dust hit the youngest Winchester. She had added a special something into the dust for its recipient, even if she had planned for it to hit Sam or Dean, not Adam.

Adam fell through the witch's dust, and immediately, as if a light switch went off in his head, started swaying and staggering as if he were inebriated. He looked across the room, squinted in frustration, and tried to walk a straight line to Dean, only to stagger and sway the wrong way, ending up by Sam, who was the opposite direction.

"What's wrong with you?" Sam asked, paying more attention to Adam, then to the witch who was escaping.

"Sam, the witch!" Dean yelled, as the witch vanished in a cloud of silver dust, close enough to Adam that he started coughing.

"Eww..." Adam said with a shudder, clearly grossed out by the dust touching him. "I'm fine, why?" he slurred, his voice sounding normal to himself, but not to either of his brothers, as Dean had walked up in time to hear the slur.

"Did the witch disappearing dust cause that?" Dean asked, worried Adam was allergic to the dust or something.

"The coughing, yes, the inebriation, no." Sam said thoughtfully, as he put a hand on Adam's shoulder to steady the teen who was swaying unsteadily.

Adam staggered under Sam's hand, falling flat on his butt, very ungracefully. He glared at Sam, as if it were the older hunter's fault he fell, instead of his own, or rather the witch's fault for whatever the original dust had been.

"Well she's gone now..." he said seriously, before bursting out chuckling until he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

"That's not funny, kid." Dean said in annoyance, giving the kid a knock it off look, which only made Adam laugh harder.

Adam kept laughing until he was snorting when he tried to breathe, causing him to cough and laugh back to back. "I'm sorry, I don't know why this is so funny." He admitted, when he could finally breathe again.

Sam watched his little brother in amusement, while Dean looked on in concern.

"Let's get you home and into bed, before you start getting really drunk." Dean said firmly, as he took Adam by the arm to help him up and guide him out to the car.

Adam tripped, swayed, and staggered out to the car, snickering to himself as he kept almost falling.

Sam pulled out his phone, recording Adam's behavior to show him later. "This is comedy gold." he said with a laugh, earning an angry glare from Dean. "You know I am right," he pointed out to Dean, earning an annoyed eye roll from the older male.

Once they got home and wrestled Adam into bed, the older boys stayed up for a bit, wondering what the next day would hold.

"Think he's okay?" Dean asked, as he listened to Adam snore softly.

Sam shrugged. "I'm sure he is fine, though if he is drunk today, he may be sick tomorrow, so we probably shouldn't make any plans for tomorrow, besides blowing town." Sam said, knowing they couldn't stay in town much longer.

"Well we better turn in then," Dean said simply, as both boys did exactly that. They went to bed, both falling asleep quickly from sheer exhaustion.

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