Teen Dean's Stomach Flu

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Here is a chapter requested by the amazing @Louistopslilo209. She wanted some wee-chester sickkness, so i hope you enjoy!


Sam walked into his and Dean's bedroom, noticing Dean was still asleep. Normally Dean was the one waking Sam up, not the other way around. 

"Dean? It's time to get up. We have school." Sam said, reaching over and shaking his big brother's shoulder. 

Dean groaned, scrubbing a hand over his face, before sitting up. 

"Okay, I'm up." Dean said simply, squinting at Sam in the sun filled room. 

"Long night?" Sam asked, sitting down on his own bed. He didn't like how pale Dean looked. 

"Nah, I'm good." Dean said quickly, not wanting Sam to know he had a growing migraine.

"You look like you were out partying and got wasted last night..." Sam pointed out in annoyance. 

"Well I didn't." Dean grouched tiredly. 

Sam shrugged and got back up, walking out of the room with a grumble. He grabbed a plate of food, bringing it back to his brother. 

"Here, eat something so we can get going." Sam said, putting the plate on his brother's bed and left the room. 

Dean looked at the plate, feeling like it would be unwise to eat, but knew that Sam would worry if he didn't. He gulped the food down quickly, relieved that his stomach was fine and his head relaxed slightly. Relieved he got up quickly, grabbing clothes, and his towel heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Sam sat reading a book, looked up to see that Dean was ready for school, but still quite pale. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his backpack, and put his book down on the faded wooden coffee table. 

"You don't look so good," Sam pointed out, much to Dean's annoyance. 

"I'm fine, Sammy." Dean snapped gruffly, immediately feeling bad about snapping at his little brother. 

Sam glared at Dean, before turning and stomping out the front door. 

As soon as Sam walked out of sight, Dean leaned heavily against the wall as the room spun out of control. He wrapped his arm tightly around his churning stomach, burping softly which only made him feel worse. 

Sam was a block away, before stopping and looking around in confusion. 

"Dean?" he asked uncertainly, as he walked back towards the house. 

He walked back inside to find Dean, still leaning heavily against the wall and panting softly.

"Dean?" he asked again, looking really concerned. He moved to his big brother's side, wrapping an arm around behind Dean's back to lead him to the couch. 

Dean sat down heavily, breathing shakily. He knew he needed to calm his little brother's worry, but he was just too dizzy and disoriented. 

Sam touched Dean's forehead lightly, feeling a high fever. "Dean? You have a fever." he pointed out in concern. 

Dean nodded weakly, groaning as the movement made his head pound.

Sam jumped at the sound of the groan, and moved around in front of Dean. "What's wrong, Dean?" he pleaded, knowing he needed to call his dad, who was away on a hunt... again. 

"Head hurts, stomach too. And dizzy." Dean slurred, sounding a bit like he was drunk. He laid down on the couch, whimpering softly as he was overcome with chills and shivering. 

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