Destiel: Two sickies, one caregiver... Oh joy!

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Requested by productofdestiel. Some sick Dean and sick Cas, cared for by Sam. And hints of Destiel are a plus. ;)


Sam sat at the table in yet another crappy motel room, ignoring his older brother's rant about something that happened in the show Dr. Sexy Md.

"I'm telling you. Sam, that man is an imposter, and if they leave him on the show any longer... I am still surprised that they even let that man into the hospital after all that happened..." Dean rambled on, the longer he talked the more congested he sounded.

"I got it, you're pissed. Now go take a nap." Sam said firmly, looking at his brother in exasperation.

"But Dr. Sexy..." Dean argued, sniffling a few times, trying to breathe, but only sounding absolutely pathetic instead.

"It will come on again." Sam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"But I haven't seen this episode." Dean whined, even as each blink got harder than the last one. "Maybe a nap would be a good idea..." he mumbled, as he started snoring loudly.

"I... ugh... Sleep well, Dean." Sam said, relieved that his brother was finally getting some much needed rest. His older brother had been sick for the better part of a week, and it only seemed to be getting worse, but then again, sleep is crucial in getting better and Dean wasn't much of a sleeper.

He barely had more than a minute to savor the silence... Well lack of talking, when he heard the flutter of wings signalling Castiel had graced them with a visit.

"Finally asleep?" the angel asked hoarsely, before coughing hard enough to gag.

"Yep, sounds like you need some too." Sam said heavily, looking up at the exhausted angel in concern.

Cas shook his head, even as a strangled yawn slipped from his lips. "Angels don't sleep." he argued weakly, as he leaned heavily against the wall.

"Cas, lay down on my bed, before you collapse." Sam ordered firmly, standing up to help the angel before he could argue.

"Sam..." Cas started to say, before doubling over with a very harsh sounding cough.

Sam braced the angel, waiting for the coughing fit to end, before helping the man to his bed. "Just rest, okay?" he requested gently, relieved that Dean didn't even stir at the coughing fit.

Cas sighed softly, curling in on himself, as he fell into a fitful sleep.

Sam sighed softly, grabbing the comforter on the bed and covered the sleeping angel, before he moved to check on Dean. He could see how flushed his brother's cheeks were, and knew the man had an awful fever brewing. He also knew that the higher the fever, the more chance of vomiting, and if Dean was that sick, than Cas was probably just as bad... or soon would be.

He sighed in frustration, before grabbing two trash cans from around the room, putting one beside Dean on the bed, and one beside Cas on his bed.

He turned off the tv, sat down on the edge of Dean's bed, listening to his brother and his brother's boyfriend-to-be snore congestedly. He shook his head, as he thought about how close Dean and Cas were, and how much they pretended to be anything but.

He was deep in thought, so deep in thought, he didn't hear Dean start groaning and coughing in his sleep.

"Sammy?" Dean called out, a bit of urgency and panic in his tone.

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