Poor Cole

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If you have watched through to the end of Season 10, then no spoilers... Based on the follow up to Kahn worm incident with Cole. And requested by the amazing Louistopslilo209.
Cole had left the Winchesters after fighting a khan worm that had killed his friend Kit. He had meant to head home, but he didn't want to go home and freak out his wife and kiddo. So he drove around aimlessly for a little while, before pulling over on the side of the road to try to get some sleep and ignore his upset stomach.

He leaned his head back, cursing under his breath as the pain in his stomach spiked a bit harder. He was half tempted to call Sam and Dean, but he didn't want to appear the wimp. He had survived war and more, he could handle a stomach ache... Couldn't he?

He looked up suddenly, hearing a buzzing on his phone. He picked it up, relieved to see Sam Winchester's name on the screen of his phone.

"Hello?" he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Hey, Cole, it's Sam Winchester. I was doing some research on the side effects of the Khan worm, I discovered that the liquid left behind in their host tends to make the host physically sick..." Sam explained, completely oblivious to Cole's predicament.

Cole swallowed hard, trying to fight back the sudden urge to puke. The idea of having that nasty worm inside him, was sending his stomach churning aggressively. He tried to swallow, but the bile in his stomach continued to try to rise. "S..." he slurred softly, hoping fervently the Sam heard him and understood what was going on.

Sam stopped talking when he heard the slur, making him look at Dean immediately. "Cole, where are you... We will come get you." he said immediately, taking the choice away from everyone involved.

Cole swallowed hard again, stopping the bile enough to speak. "A couple miles down the road from where I left you." he ground out painfully. He wrapped his free arm tightly around his stomach, as he tried not to groan as he felt his stomach flipping.

"Okay, we are a few miles away. Just breathe and we will be there shortly," Sam said, pointing where to go out to Dean.

"No promises, Sammy. I don't think you want to come deal with me." Cole said, trying to sound tougher than he felt. He bit back a whimper, hanging up on Sam, and thrusting his head back against the seat's head rest in discomfort. He could tell this situation was not going to end well, but he hoped he could get through it with his dignity intact. The way his stomach was flipping and his intestines were clenching, he didn't think this was going to end pretty.

He hissed softly, wincing as he gagged softly, fighting to keep his stomach contents where they were, in his stomach. He leaned forward to rest his head against the steering wheel, breathing harder as he tried to calm his insides down. He retched softly, spitting the pooling saliva in his mouth to the floor of his jeep. He'd clean it out later, but he knew if he swallowed his was screwed.

He looked up as he heard the impala pull up behind his car, he winced as he quickly put his head back down. He heard and felt someone open the door to his left, but he didn't react.

"Come on, stop acting so tough." Dean admonished firmly, not at all thrilled to be around this man again after dealing with the Khan worm inside him.

"Lay off, Dean. He is miserable enough without you making him feel worse. Now check if he has a fever, from the poison in his system." Sam said firmly, as he grabbed some stuff from the back of the impala. He grabbed a bucket for Cole, a towel for the man to sit on in case, a bottle of water since he knew Cole was probably still dehydrated, and a blanket to help the man stay warm as soon as the fever set in.

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