Sometimes Taking A Break is Better Than Hunting...

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This was requested a while ago, and with all the stress going on in my personal life, I fell behind. Im so sorry, I hope this chapter makes up for it. Requested by @music_lover_2222.


It had been three long days of driving all day, and stopping only for gas or at night to sleep in a motel. Dean had said that this hunt was really important, for being across the US of A. You had been tempted to ask why it was so special, but neither Winchester had been in much of a talking or explaining mood.

You curled up in the backseat, wishing deep down that they would close their freaking windows, as it was freezing in the backseat. You burrowed deeper into Sams sweatshirt, that he had let you borrow a few weeks back when a hunt had left you with destroyed clothes again.

"We have about an hour til we stop for a refuel," Dean said gruffly, glaring at the road as if it had personally offended him or his beautiful impala.

"K," you say quickly, attempting to not draw attention to the fact that you were exhausted, sore, and freezing your butt off.

Sam looked up at the rearview mirror, noticing that you were cuddled up, shivering, and slightly pale.

"You okay?" he asked gently, earning a sideways glance from Dean.

"Im fine." You say, noticing for the first time that your throat kinda hurt. You swallowed hard, struggling to get your saliva past your throat, which sent your stomach flipping slightly.

"You look pale." Sam observed, closing his window without a word.

You snuggle into his sweatshirt, barely concealing the yawn that wracked your form. "Just tired," you mumble, as your eyes start to close of their own accord.

"Rest well, Y/N." Sam said gently, tapping his hand on his leg to show Dean something was up. He had started using hand signals to communicate without your knowing, since you joined the team a few months before.

Dean frowned, looking into the rearview mirror in concern. "Call Bobby, tell him to give the hunt to someone else." he said, already planning to stop at a motel as soon as he found one.

Sam nodded, pulling out his cell phone and dialing the older hunter. "Hey, Bobby, its Sam... Yeah, we were on our way there... You need to give it to someone else... Y/N is sick... Not sure how bad yet... He/She is pretty good at hiding how he/she feels... Yeah, we will be stopping soon... We'll keep in touch he said before hanging up."

"We good?" Dean asked softly, noticing that you were starting to get restless in your sleep.

"Yeah, he said to take care of him/her." Sam said, snorting under his breath softly.

"Y/N? You're okay, theres no danger." Dean said firmly, but gently, hoping that his voice would register in your brain and help you relax.

You moan softly, starting to feel way too warm, even as goosebumps popped up all over your arms and legs. "Wha?" you mumble softly, feeling like youd been hit by a truck.

"Go back to sleep." Sam suggested quickly, noticing that your cheeks were starting to flush with fever, and any visible skin was covered in goosebumps. "Already has a high fever," he mumbled for Deans sake.

"Get some rest, Y/N, well wake you when we stop next." Dean said, as his frown deepened. It had been at least a few months since either he or Sam got sick, so having you get so sick so fast was rather worrisome.

You groan softly, sliding the sweatshirt sleeves up, before closing your eyes. Before too long, soft congested snores came from your sleeping form, telling both boys that they were in for a long couple days at least.

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