Essays Really Suck!

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This was requested by someone who wishes to remain anonymous, and is totally awesome! Teenchesters: Sam 13, Dean 17. Homework, hunting, punishment, and stress makes life a bit hellish for poor Sammy. Warning: Triggers for anxiety and panic attacks!


Sam sat at the table, papers spread all over, and books as well. He pulled at his hair lightly, scribbling furiously on one of the papers. 

Dean walked in to the kitchen, looking at Sam with a faint flicker of amusement on his face. "You okay?" he asked, unable to hide the amusement in his voice.

"It's not funny, Dean! This essay is worth 75% of my grade!" Sam said frantically. He sighed in frustration, crumpling up his essay and throwing it across the room. 

"Well, I hate to tell you this, but dad called and needs us ready for a hunt." Dean said, wishing he could let Sam off the hook. 

"What?! I don't have time!" Sam yelped, all the color draining from his face. "This essay is due in two days." he added, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry, Sammy. Dad needs us both." Dean said heavily, stiffening when he heard the impala pull into the the parking spot right outside their house. 

Sam sighed softly, crossing his arms over his chest, in wait for his Dad. 

John stomped into the house, taking in the difference between the boys stances and steeled himself for Sam. 

"Get in the car, Dean." John said firmly, relieved when his oldest son jumped to do as he was told. "You too, Sam." he added firmly. 

Sam shook his head no. "I need to stay here, this essay is really important." he said simply, a look of defiance on his fourteen year old face. 

"Sam! I don't have time for this! We need to go, NOW! Get in the car!" John yelled at Sam, fed up with this conversation. 

"Dad! I really..." Sam argued angrily, trying to not show the hurt that his dad wouldn't let him stay and study.

"Samuel Winchester, get your ass in my car, before i put it there myself!" John growled at Sam, watching in satisfaction, as Sam jumped up and ran out the door. 

John sighed and walked out of the house, locking the door behind him. 

*****************(Skipping the hunt, since I don't know what to have them fight)*************

Sam had Dean's head in his lap, holding a slightly bloody towel on his older brother's back. "I'm so sorry, Dean. I didn't have your back, and I should have." he said over and over again, his voice quivering as he fought not to break down in tears. 

"Yes, you should have! So, when we get home, after patching Dean up, you will clean all the weapons." John said firmly, as he turned a corner harshly.

Dean groaned at the jolt, trying really hard not to make too much noise for pain. "Its fine, Sammy." he said, clenching his teeth. 

"No it is not! You could have been killed, for what? A petulant child!" John snapped, pulling into the house. "Get out, and inside. I am going to the bar!" he growled. 

Sam clenched his jaw, really hard, as he helped Dean into the house. Once he had slammed the door shut behind them, he heard the wheels squeal as John took off. He guided Dean to his bed, grabbing the first aid kit, and silently set to work, stitching up his brother's torn up back. 

"Sam..." Dean started to say gently, hissing softly each time the needle punctured his skin. 

"Don't Dean... Dad is right." Sam said heavily. "I could have gotten you killed." he said, swallowing hard to hide the lump in his throat. 

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