Overdosed... Really?!

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Based off of Season 11, Episode 17: Red Meat. If you haven't seen that far, stop reading now, as there are spoilers galore in this one-shot. I did some research on the side effects of a drug overdose, that doesn't kill you, and found that it was the perfect fuel for a one-shot. Lol. So according to my research, when a person survives a drug overdose, they end up very ill as they basically swallowed poison. So here is what i think should have happened to Dean, after he selflessly committed suicide to try to talk Billy the Reaper into saving poor Sammy, who wasn't actually dead. Thank God for the doctor that gave him a shot of adrenaline to start up his heart again!


Dean climbed into the impala with Sam, inwardly relieved that his not-so-little little brother was okay. He went to buckle up, hissing in discomfort at the cramping coursing through his stomach and intestines.

"Dean?" Sam asked, twisting slowly to face him, grimacing as he pulled at his stitches slightly. 

"I'm okay," Dean panted quickly, breathing hard through the discomfort.

Sam nodded slowly, putting his hand over his stitched side, as he turned back to face the road.

Dean clenched his jaw, driving down the road. He could feel his stomach rolling aggressively, so he looked for a motel. He knew they both could use the break and rest. 

He pulled into the parking lot of a small motel, climbing gingerly out of the impala. He could feel the tenderness in and above his heart, from the adrenaline shot that had stopped the reaper from taking him. 

He walked into the office to pay for a room for them, trying fervently to appear fine. 

"Sir, are you alright?" the hotel clerk asked in concern. It was very evident that Dean was not well: pale, shaky, and looking to be in pain.

Dean looked up too quickly, causing him to sway slightly. 

I'm fine," he said quickly, in a strained voice. 

"Here are your keys. Please let us know if you need anything at all." the clerk said, with a polite smile. 

Dean nodded briefly, snagging the keys jerkily and offered a weak smile, before stumbling outside. He leaned against the wall outside the office, breathing hard as he fought his body's want to collapse.

Sam climbed out of the impala, with a low groan. He looked up to see Dean, was deathly pale and shaking uncontrollably. He moved, as quickly as his stitched side would allow, to his brother's side. 

"Whoa, easy there, Dean." he said, wrapping his brother's arm over his own shoulders. He placed one arm around Dean, the other to apply light pressure on his stitched side. 

He slowly guided Dean to their room, snagging the keys from his big brother's limp hand. He quickly unlocked the door, leaning Dean against the wall carefully. 

Dean closed his eyes tightly, gagging up some of the pedialyte from earlier, with no control. 

"Crap," he groaned weakly, trying to figure out why he hadn't felt that coming up.

"Easy, easy. When did you start feeling sick?" Sam asked, in concern. He had no clue, that Dean had overdosed at the hospital to try to save him. 

"About three hours ago, right before you called me." Dean explained weakly, trying to hide the lengths he went to, in order to try to save Sam. 

Sam nodded slowly, raising an eyebrow thoughtfully. He slipped into their room, grabbed a trash bin, and moved back outside with a slight hiss and wince. 

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