Faking Sick Results in Karma

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This was requested by the amazing Ram_3500. Enjoy! Y/N is the reader is same age as Adam about 15. 


Adam walked into the bedroom area, looking for you and finding you in bed, wondering why you were there. "Y/N! It's time to get up, let's go. Dean's got us a hunt." he yelled, causing you to cringe and cover your head. In truth it wasn't that loud, but you knew that if you didn't act this out right no one would believe you.

"Shh...." You begged softly, sitting up slowly, putting your hand on your forehead. "My head is killing me." you mumble.

Adam looked at you in surprise, before sitting down on the bed beside you, and studied you for a moment. "I'll go tell Dean that you're sick, don't move." he said, getting up and dashing out of the room and slamming the front door.

You waited two minutes, then got up and ran for the bathroom, as the front opened. You slammed the bathroom door shut and locked it, turning on the water, low so it could barely be heard, and dropped your pants, and sat on the toilet, just in case they opened the door. You kept the water hot until it was boiling, then splashed it on your skin, and put it on the thermometer, until it beeped, saying 102.3.

"Great, now I will be watched for vomiting." you whisper to yourself, not so sure that you love this plan, as you walk out of the bathroom slowly, handing the thermometer to Dean who was waiting anxiously for you, and go back to lay down.

"Y/N, what are your symptoms?" Dean asked, looking at the thermometer in concern, not liking how high that fever was.

You mumble an answer, still cradling your head, and curled into a ball, making it appear that you were cradling your stomach too. You were purposely making it hard on Dean to understand you, so that he couldn't give you any meds.

Adam walked up to you, got down by your head and whispered softly. "What's going on with you, Y/N?" he asked.

You groan softly, turning your face into the pillow, as if even the whisper hurt your head.

Adam walked back over to Dean, and talked to him in hushed tones. "Fever, migraine, nausea... its a good start." he said simply.

Dean nodded, grabbing tylenol and pepto, which always made you puke if you took it and you weren't sick.

This wasn't your first time faking sick, you'd accidentally taken pepto for appearances, and within ten minutes, were vomiting everywhere. You had a feeling this time would be no different.

Dean brought over the meds with some water, which you slowly sat up and dutifully swallowed, then lay back down.

Adam brought over a bucket in case those meds didn't stay down, which you positioned your head perfectly over as the hiccups set in, from the darn pepto.

He sighed softly, shaking his head. "Its that pepto. Y/N's stomach can never handle pink crap." he said defeated, as you urped up the pepto and tylenol. He climbed onto the bed and got behind you, rubbing your back gently as the urping turned to full on vomiting.

Dean sighed softly in frustration, looking at Sam, who looked suspicious. He sighed to Sam, asking him questions, but Sam ignored him, he was more interested in you and your show of no longer vomiting as you curled in on yourself and cradled your head again.

As the evening wore on, Adam stayed by your side, but Sam and Dean left you alone.

Eventually everyone went to bed, and so did you, falling asleep quickly, only to wake up around 4 am, feeling like you were going to throw up again. You barely got your head off the bed and over the bucket on the floor, before the gagging set in.

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