Baby Angel Sick???

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Requested by the awesome Birdflash777. I love your sickfic prompts, and thank you for giving me this inspiring prompt, that I have had a bit too much fun with. Lol.

WARNING: buckets of sickness and sick baby! No weird kinks or ships; a hint of Samxangel if you squint. Lol. :) and minor language. :) Sam is a bit OOC, as he seems to know a bit better than Dean how to handle the baby. 


Dean stared at the bed, in front of him, shocked at what he saw. How could this happen, why did this happen, and why did it have to happen to an angel?!

"Um... what the hell?!" Sam demanded, walking into the motel room in disbelief.

"I don't know." Dean said honestly, frowning as he tried to understand. 

"How did this happen? Why here? Why him? Why now?" Sam asked in a rush, barely taking a breath. 

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, and I really don't know." Dean said, getting exasperated. 

Sam glared at Dean, wishing the older man knew something about this. 

"What do we do now?" He asked, looking more than slightly pissed off. 

"I don't know, Sam!" Dean snapped, sighing loudly after he spoke. He ran an anxious hand over his hair, repeatedly. 

Both boys jumped, when a cry... more of a wail, answered them both. 

"Crap, look what you did now." Sam griped, moving onto the bed quickly, but gingerly. 

"Is he okay?" Dean asked, keeping his distance. 

"No, we need diapers, wipes, bottles, juice, and milk or formula." Sam said quickly, remembering the things Dean had bought for the shifter baby.

"On it." Dean said, grabbing his keys and leaving quickly. 

Sam scooped up the wailing bundle on the bed, instantly easing its cries. He found a note on the bed:

Please take care of him, until he is back ti normal. About 3-7 days. P.S. he may be sick as well.                                                                                                                                                                     -G 

He sighed in exasperation, as the bundle in his arms starting whimpering. 

"What's wrong, little guy?" he asked gently, hearing the baby's stomach gurgle uncomfortably. "Does your tummy hurt?" he asked, earning a loud whine of discomfort. 

He propped the baby angel on his shoulder, patting its back with light force. He continued this way, until a loud, wet burp came from the bundle. He gently laid the bundle down on the bed, figuring that the baby should feel fine now, earning him loud wailing cries.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I won't put you down." he said, quickly picking up the sad angel again.

The angel quieted, whimpering every so often, as its stomach continued to gurgle. 

Sam rocked the angel back and forth, being careful not to jostle him too much, as he hummed a tune softly. He couldn't hide his relief, when the angel fell asleep, even if the gurgling didn't stop. 

About an hour later, Dean walked back into the motel room, arms laden with baby stuff. 

"Took you long enough," Sam mumbled softly, looking up from the chair he was sitting in and rocking. 

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