A Nice Lap is All A Seasick Dean Needs.

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This was requested by a awesome fan by the name of BrieannaSincleair. Please Enjoy!


Sam looked back at you and Dean, as he drove towards the ferry you three had to catch. He was super relieved, that you both were asleep when he got the call from Bobby, and learned that crossing a major river was included in this mess.

He pulled the car into the port, got all three tickets, and drove onto the ferry. Once he had parked, he turned back and shook your shoulder and Dean's.

"Why are we bouncing up and down?" Dean groaned softly, batting Sam's hand away and trying to go back to sleep.

You sit up, looking around, and immediately recognize where you are. "Did Bobby call?" you asked, yawning as you stretched, as much as you could in the car.

"Yeah, he said you'd know a lot about this one." Sam said, giving up on trying to wake up Dean.

"Yeah, myths and folklore paint this beautiful little island, as anything but a paradise. According to lore, the fisherman even stay away, like major bad omens or something. Wailing at night, draws men to their deaths. Devastated children draw women to their deaths. Its basically a nightmare of an island." You explain, as if you were reading from a book, instead of quoting it from memory.

"Any idea what's there?" Sam asked, taking notes in a small book he pulled from his pocket, as soon as you started talking.

"As near as I can tell, a demon. Or maybe more than one. Supposedly in the month of October, is when the deaths start, beginning all the way back in 1822. If you visit any other time of year, it is just an island riddled in ghost towns. But in October, even the Ghostfacers were too scared to stay. Their equipment freaked out, and they were lucky to live through the experience. The only thing I don't get, is its October 21st, and the island appears to be dead quiet." You point out, knowing that in your researching, the island was never that quiet in the month of October. You lick your lips uncertainly, before starting to bite your bottom lip unknowingly.

"Y/N, relax. If there's no hunt here, Bobby gave me a couple others to check out too." Sam said kindly, stiffening as the ferry lurched before beginning its approach to the island and beyond.

Dean groaned softly, but remained asleep, even as he broke out in a heavy sweat and started shivering.

"It's cold in here, why is he sweating and shivering?" You ask in concern, focusing your attention on Dean, instead of the approaching island.

"Hmm... It could be one of a few things: he sparked a spontaneous fever, he has food poisoning from that nasty diner yesterday, or he could be getting motion sickness. But I highly doubt he is getting motion sickness, he used to as a kiddo, but that was a long time ago." Sam explained thoughtfully.

"It could also be just a bad dream." You offered, hoping you were right.

"That would be overall better." Sam said with a chuckle. He rolled down the windows, allowing a cool breeze to flow through the car, hoping it would help Dean relax.

Dean groaned again, shifting in his seat until his arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach.

"So much for my theory." you mumble, sounding really disappointed.

"It's okay, Y/N, if he is sick... then we will deal with it." Sam said gently.

"Like we always do." You say, holding your hand out for him to high five.

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