Even Hospital Visits Are Necessary for Celebrities...

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This awesome request was by JuliepierCyr. I am so sorry for the delay, its been a really long couple weeks. Anyways, hopefully you'll love this chapter! Some language! Enjoy!


Jared stood on the top rung of a ladder, working to help fix a part of the set that was far too high up in the air for anyone else to feel comfortable trying to get up there to fix it. Being that he was already super tall, he was used to heights, so being up so high didn't bug him at all... except for some reason today it was making him feel a bit light-headed. 

"Jared!" Misha yelled, not seeing him on top of the ladder. 

Jared hissed softly, grabbing the ladder which was teetering dangerously close to falling. 

"What?!" he snapped, surprised by how hoarse he sounded. Hadn't he talked today? Why didn't I notice my throat hurt?

Misha jumped, looking up at the taller man in surprise. "Oh there you are. Jensen said you wanted to go over lines with us... Why are you hoarse???" he asked suspiciously. 

Jared would have face-palmed, if he wasn't holding onto the ladder for dear life. He felt like it was moving back and forth, as was the entire room now that he thought about it. "Can you get Jensen, please?" he ground out, begging himself to hold onto the ladder until the older man could get there. 

Misha left the room at a snail's pace, at least that's how it felt to Jared. 

Jared clung to the ladder, feeling more and more dizzy by the second. Truth be told, he hadn't felt well for the last couple days, but he had been hiding it from everyone. He waited, reciting lines in his head, as he waited for Jensen to come rescue him. 

Jensen walked into the set room, looking for any signs of Jared in their. "Jay?" he called, not sure where to look. 

Jared jumped again, this time slipping off the 60 foot ladder and landing on his right side, with a sickening crunch and hoarse scream. 

Jensen ran to Jared, immediately rolling him on to his back, but kept his head to the side, in case the breaking of bones caused the younger actor to feel sick. "What the hell?! What were you doing up there?!" he snapped at Jared, lightly feeling along the younger man's right side. 

He could feel that the arm was broken in at least three places, the ribs felt broken the shoulder felt off kilter, and the collarbone felt snapped in two, but his hip and leg seemed to be fine. As he touched the broken areas, Jared groaned and whimpered, as the room spun out of control in his vision. 

"I don't feel so good." Jared moaned softly, squeezing his eyes shut in the hopes that the spinning would stop, but it only made the sensation worse. He not only felt like he was spinning out of control, it now felt like he was falling into an abyss of nothingness, that never seemed to stop. 

Jensen sighed softly, lifting the younger man gingerly from his back to his left side, trying not to jar him too much. "If you are gonna puke, feel free. I'll make sure it gets cleaned up before it has a chance to make this room impossible to work in." he said calmly, as he pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. 

Jared hissed in discomfort as he was moved, but was focused more on not losing the battle with his stomach that was not happy about the spinning, falling, or broken bones. He gagged hard under his breath, crying out softly as his body protested the motion. This was going to suck, if I do puke... Which I think is about to happen.

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