The Flu at a Convention

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Every convention was a crazy flurry of activity: between the autographs, panels, and pictures. But Jensen loved it all, he loved seeing his supernatural family, and he loved connecting with fans and seeing how much they loved the show, and let's not forget seeing what the show has done for them. It was a wild ride every time, but he wouldn't have it any other way...

Until today that is. It was the beginning of the first panel, featuring himself, Jared, Misha, Rob, and Richard. They were all joking around and having fun, talking about the things that happened last season and the new things to come for the new season, everything they were allowed to hint about anyways. They were all taking turns sharing stories from the set, but he kept passing his turn, as he had noticed at the beginning of the panel that there was some uncomfortable pressure in his lower stomach. He tried to shrug it off, but the more he ignored it, the worse he felt.

"Isn't that right, Jensen?" Misha said, drawing Ackles out of his mental attempt to think of anything but the discomfort.

Jensen looked over, his hand ghosting his stomach, before adjusting his shirt so that it didn't look like he was having issues. "What were we talking about?" He asked, trying to look and sound innocent.

Misha shook his head, turning to address the audience. "See what I mean?" He said with a smirk, earning a bunch of laughter and some scattered booing.

"It's alright, no need to be upset. Jensen knows I'm trying to get a rouse out of him." Misha said in a good-natured tone.

Jensen nodded his affirmation, not having the mental ability to articulate anything beyond his discomfort that was less pressure now and more actual cramping. "Please excuse me," he said, as quickly as he could, getting up and walking off the stage without another word.

Jared and Misha exchanged a look, both knowing something was wrong with their compadre. Jared pulled out his phone to text Jensen, Dude, you okay? You acted sick or something.

Jensen got out of sight of the panel area and all but ran to the closest men's bathroom. He found an empty stall, shut and locked the door, and dropped his pants and boxers as fast as his hands would allow him to move. He barely got his ass on the seat, when a very intense cramp curled through his lower stomach, leading to a release of white-hot lava from his bowels. He hissed in surprise, having not expected to have diarrhea today of all days. He doubled over his stomach, as another cramp curled through him causing another painful release which seemed to be all his body needed to start an extreme emptying process. Over and over again, he couldn't breathe without wanting to puke up everything he'd ever eaten.

After what felt like hours, the cramping lessened enough to allow the poor man some respite. He cleaned himself up, flushed a few times, pulled up his boxers and pants, and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. He regarded himself in the mirror while washing his hands, noticing right off the bat how pale he was. That was going to be fun to explain, if... He looked at his watch almost moaning in disbelief, the first panel had just ended. He was due for autographs and pictures in ten, and that was on normal days a five-minute walk, but he had a sneaking suspicion ten minutes may not be enough.

He dried his hands and pulled out his phone, just then seeing that he had a text from Jared.

Nah, I'm not sick. Just really had to go. Sorry. He text back, hoping that his Supernatural brother wouldn't notice how dreadful he looked.

Well, the panel is over, ready for autos and pics? Came in response, not giving Jensen an inkling of a hint as to what Jared may be thinking of his bogus explanation.

He sent back a thumbs-up emoji, not really able to concentrate as his stomach suddenly started feeling queasy again, only this time the difference was he wasn't going to the bathroom. He shrugged it off, determined to make it through the rest of the day without any other issues from his body. He walked out of the bathroom, colliding with Rob out of nowhere.

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